Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Food Forward Redeux - Creamy Pesto

This got slightly derailed since I was sent out of town for 2 weeks earlier this month. So I am, in essence, at this point starting over with the whole food forward concept of carrying over an ingredient from the previous nights meal.
So without further adieu I present Food Forward Redeux.

I prepared a hand chopped pesto earlier this evening (Pesto, Pesto, where for art thou Pesto), as I needed to vent some steam, and nothing is more ventilating than a large crescent knife, a chopping block and a lot of fodder.

The pesto was a success, but then I had to actually consider what to do with my bowl full of garden green deliciousness. One of my fellow BakeSpacers had posted a link to a menu from a restaurant, which I had perused earlier in the day. It had mentioned a creamy pesto sauce. So with 1 lb of Porcini mushroom tortellini on hand, dinner took the form of a creamy pesto sauce of 1/3 cup fresh pesto and 1/4 cup mascarpone cheese. I simply tossed the cooked pasta with the sauce and voila!

Dinner is served.
