Wednesday, November 26, 2008

These 'shrooms Were Made For Stuffin

I don't make these that often because they are extremely decadent. But hey, Thanksgiving only comes once a year... Sorry for the quick photo, but I was on my way out the door; embarking upon my travel to Aliso Viejo where I would be spending the Thanksgiving holiday, so I was out of time to arrange a shot.

Pesto Stuffed Mushroom Caps

3 oz Pancetta
40 small Crimini mushrooms (or white button)
8 oz Cream Cheese
4 oz Mascarpone
1/4 tsp Smoked Paprika
1 TB Pesto Genovese
a couple grinds of Green Pepper
3 1/2 - 4 TB butter; melted

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Pull stems from mushrooms to leaving the hole in the cap and mince 36 of the stems finely.
Fry up the pancetta until crispy then remove from pan and add the minced stems.
Saute until they give up their liquid and begin browning.
Chop pancetta up fine.
In a medium bowl, combine cream cheese, mascarpone, paprika, pesto and green pepper.
Beat with an electric mixer until combined.
Add pancetta and sauted stems, then mix again until incorporated.
Fill a pastry bag, fitted with a large tip, with the stuffing.
Pipe stuffing into the caps.
Now the bad part... as if the filling wasn't rich enough.
Using a fork, stab mushrooms just below the filling and dip in the melted butter before placing in a glass baking dish.
Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, let cool about 10 minutes before serving.



  1. Yum!! I loved stuffed mushrooms!

  2. Whoa! Those mushrooms put mine to shame!!! Wish I could taste one!!!
