Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blue Beef - No Run of the Mill Purple Cow

Normally I am not that much of a beef eater, cause I was raised on lamb and goat (cheven), so as an adult, I find most beef has a strangely odd sour taste. But I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I was able to pick up 2 beef tenderloin steaks for about 1/3 their normal price. Knowing the lack of actual "beef" flavor to the tenderloin, but reveling in it's tenderness, I looked at it as a blank canvas waiting for some added flavor of MY choosing.

Thus, with Muscat (love) being this month's wine of choice in the Virtual Wine Tasting room of BakeSpace, I had been wanting to move into some blue cheese dishes for pairing. I am not overly fond of sweet wines, but for me they usually find a reprieve if there is a hunk of Gorgonzola Dolce, Stilton or, in my case, a Blu de
Moncenisio lying around somewhere in the vicinity. As luck would have it, I was still in possession of a delicious Moscato d'Asti by Il Conte d'Alba as well...

For those not familiar with Italian wines, Moscato d'Asti is a Frizzante or lightly carbonated, not as intensely as Champagne, Spumante or Prosecco, it's more of an effervescence and quite refreshing.
So without further adieu....

Bleu Mignon

2 6oz beef tenderloin medallions
Salt & pepper
Olive oil for coating
1 TB Browned Butter; melted
1/2 tsp Rosemary sprigs; chopped
1 1/2 TB Blue Cheese; Crumbled – I used a creamy French blue (Blu de Moncenisio) this time, typical I use Gorgonzola
1 TB Panko
1/2 tsp Chives; chopped

Preheat oven to 375
Preheat a sauté pan over medium heat. (with a touch more brown butter if you wish)
Season beef with salt and pepper and rub with a small amount of olive oil.

In a bowl, combine the rosemary, blue cheese, bread crumbs, chives, butter, salt and pepper, set aside.

Place beef in sauté pan and sear on both sides, only 45 seconds - 1 minute per side.

Remove from pan and place on a small rimmed baking sheet.
Divide blue cheese mixture between the medallions, pressing lightly to assure adherence.

Move to oven and bake until desired temperature is reached (10 minutes for medium rare; which is how I like it).

I was in Bleu Bovine Bliss!!!



  1. That looks awesome!!! I really like the fizzy French Muscat we tried! It was bubbly and refreshing!

  2. Lovely. Makes me wish I liked bleu cheese. :)
