Friday, February 20, 2009

Greek Week Continues - Polpetes or Patatokeftedes

I have been craving these since I made the Avgolemono Soup, it's something different to do with potatoes. Very similar to the Croquettes from France; Croquetta from Italy and Kroket from the Netherlands except, these are dredged in flour instead of bread crumbs. I love to serve these with avgolemono saltsa (Egg Lemon Sauce) which is made just like the soup, with a higher percentage of egg and no orzo....


3 1/2 cups Mashed potatoes (riced is better)
6 oz Feta Cheese; Crumbled
4 Scallions; finely Chopped (White and light green parts)
4 1/2 tsp Fresh Dill; Chopped
4 tsp Lemon Juice
1 large Egg; Slightly Beaten
Flour for Dredging
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
3 TB Olive Oil

Place mashed/riced potatoes in a large bowl,
add crumbled feta, scallions, dill, lemon, and egg;
Mix well, cover and chill until firm; about 2 hours
In a low sided bowl, whisk Flour and black pepper.
Divide mixture into walnut sized balls.
Flatten them slightly then dredge in flour...
Add olive oil to a skillet set over medium heat.
Fry potato rounds until golden on both sides;
about 2 minutes on each side.
Drain on a Paper towel.....

Serve with Avgolemono Sauce:

Avgolemono sauce
3 eggs
2 lemons
1 cup Chicken or Vegetable stock

Heat stock to a boil over medium heat
Whisk eggs until blended then add Lemon juice, while whisking to prevent curdle.
When stock is ready, begin drizzling the stock into the eggs while whisking constantly to prevent scrambled eggs.
Place sauce over low heat and stir until slightly thickened...
The beauty of this sauce over others is it's lightness brought about by the air that is incorporated into it during whisking.



  1. I've never had those before. I have obviously not been leading a full life! They sound amazing, I'll have to make some.

  2. They are really good, and if you are not into the "Greek" flavors, simply replace the dill with 2 TB basil, the green onion with 2 crushed garlic cloves, replace the feta with 2 TB chopped pine nuts and 4 oz shredded Parm or Romano and Badda Bing...! Pesto Potato Patties... and you don't need the sauce... LOL

  3. I NEED one of those!!!! They looks soo freakin good!!!
