Monday, March 16, 2009

My Heart Belongs to Waffles - FlødeValfer; Danish Sour Cream Waffle

OK, in case you have not been able to tell from some of my previous posts. I Love Waffles, all kinds of waffles. I decided, since my whistle had been wet with the Brussels and the Liège, that I would journey north to the land of my forefathers and make some Danish waffles or FlødeVafler (Sour Cream Waffles). I don't make these as often as the Brussels, and after making them this evening, I remember why... You will see.... Part of it has to do with the leavening. Brussels and Liege waffles use yeast. American waffles use baking powder, for the most part. Danish Waffles are dependent on a dual leavening action of beaten egg whites and the reaction of baking soda and sour cream.

The Danish waffler is designed a little different than its Belgian, American or Dutch Stroop Counterparts. All the afore mentioned irons have flat teeth while the Danish Iron has pointed teeth. It is designed in a Flower pattern that breaks apart into heart shaped petals.

Now, this is where I get to show off some of my 'antiques'...

Although I think you might still be able to order them, and there are electric versions out there. But for me, several years ago, in a thrift store, I found the same stove top type waffler that my grandmother has used since I was "knee high to a grasshopper". That same day, as luck would have it, I also found a Krumkager Iron. What the heck is a Krumkager? A Krumkager is a Scandinavian flat waffle cookie, flavored with mace or cardamom, similar to the Pizzelle of Italy minus the anise.

This is not without its challenges since only 1 side of the waffle cooks at a time... Even preheating can be tricky when trying to load up the thermal mass of the aluminum. But it's all worth it in the long run. For the Flødevafler is absolutely delicious.


6 eggs; Separated 1/2 cup Sugar
1 tsp Ground Cardamom
1 1/2 cups AP Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
2 small pinches of Kosher Salt
1 cup Sour Cream
1/2 cup Unsalted Butter; Melted then cooled slightly

First off, we need to separate the eggs. (I use the half shell method moving the yolk from shell to shell until all the white has fallen away)

Mix eggs yolks, sugar, and cardamom together in a big bowl.

Whisk until smooth and pale.

Sift flour, baking soda, and salt together in another small bowl.

Mix sour cream and melted in a third small bowl.

Beat egg whites to firm peaks with a pinch of salt in a fourth bowl.

Whew OK, Now that EVERY bowl in the kitchen is dirty, lets begin combining things. (THIS is why I don't make them that often)

First, whisk the Sour Cream/Butter mixture into the Yolk/Sugar mixture.

After this is smooth, begin adding the flour in 3 parts, whisk in the first two additions;

then move to a spatula for the last addition, cause the batter will be thick.

OK, Now grab your biggest spatula. Yes, in this case, size DOES matter. Besides, every bowl in the kitchen is dirty, whats one more spatula?

Begin folding in the egg whites by taking about 1/4 of them and simply stirring it into the batter, this will lighten it just enough to allow for easier folding.

Fold in the remaining whites in 2 additions, use broad folding strokes to incorporate, the fewer strokes it takes, the fewer bubbles are deflated and the lighter your batter will be.

Let the batter sit for about 20 minutes on the counter to rest and begin heating your iron.

You will notice in about 10 minutes the batter will appear a little lumpy-ish because of some bubbles, this is due to the Baking Soda reacting with the Sour Cream. It's OK, the batter is just getting lighter, it will still rise in the iron.

I always spray the iron before the first waffle... After that the residual oils from the previously baked waffle keep everything lubed up well.
Pour 1/4 cup of the batter in the iron

and wait for the waffle to become medium brown. (I have to flip mine so it takes a little longer.)

Remove waffle and serve warm with Black Current preserves or Raspberries and Whipped Cream (Danes LOVE Raspberries)

I have no Idea how to say "Eat Up" in Danish, so....

Waffle Iron on Foodista


  1. I had no idea there were so many kinds of waffles!!!

  2. Ditto what Spryte, who knew??? thanks for sharing the info. I doubt too tho that I'll try to cook mine on the stove, I'll stick with the modern way. Kudos dude!

  3. Thanks guys :) I still have two more to cover, but I think I am going to wait a week... Cream waffles and the Dutch specialty Stroopwafles. They are filled with caramel, but I still need to hunt down and iron.

  4. man...I need to eat breakfast at your house! iHop has nothing on you! LOL. btw...are there just as many kinds of pancakes as there are waffles? wow....I think I'm gaining weight just reading about the waffles. LOL waaaaaaaant!!
