Thursday, March 26, 2009

When Rabbits and Bees Attack - Honey Nut Carrot Cake

My bestest friend Stephanie's Birthday was Monday (23rd). We will be celebrating this weekend. Which should be a hoot, it always is. When asked what kind of cake she wanted for her Birthday, she asked me for a Carrot Cake. That made me extremely happy, for not only is it one of my favorite childhood cakes, it has also got to be the easiest cake ever.

I really love this recipe from my mom because it contains pineapple, NOT raisins, which tend to obtain a strange texture after cooking.  It also contains no Baking Powder, instead utilizing Honey (which is an acid) and Baking Soda for a leavening reaction.

I like to grate my carrots REALLY fine. This is really the only problematic part of the cake batter assemblage.  Let's face it, it takes awhile to grate 3 cups of carrots.

Honey Nut Carrot Cake

3 cups Carrots, finely grated
3 cups AP Flour
2 tsp Baking Soda
2 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Salt
1 1/2 cups Honey (Orange Blossom)
4 Eggs
1 cup Vegetable Oil
1 small can crushed Pineapple in it's own juice (Drained)
1/2 - 1 cup Walnuts or Pecans, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Line 2 9-inch round pans with parchment
Grate carrots.

Dump Flour, Baking Soda, Salt, Cinnamon and Ginger together in a large bowl.

And whisk em all together...

Add Carrots, Honey, Eggs, Oil and Pineapple.

Mix well then fold in the nuts.

Divide between the two prepared pans.

Bake for 30 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool in pan for 15 minutes.

Then run a knife around the outside edge and turning out onto a rack to cool completely.

Then chill until ready to frost with Italian Cream Cheese Frosting - Which I will be doing tomorrow.


  1. It must be awesomely good. I love the pineapple in it, too (really hate raisins in cake). I'll definitely have to try it

  2. I've never been a big fan of carrot cake... but this sounds really tasty!

  3. Happy Birthday Stephanie!!! Carrot cake..mmmmmm

  4. Pineapple carrot cake? I'm intrigued! I'm not a big raisin fan, so I bet I would like this one more than the standard ones.
