Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Eggs-periencing Divinity - Pizza alla Eggs Benedict

This will be my last pizza for awhile. Yes, the end, of the rather long process of consuming the pizza dough that I did not want to waste. As with any ending, it is usually fitting to produce what could be considered a finale. This is what I have chosen to conclude this romping through the halls of pizzadom.

My favorite breakfast food on the planet (and also great when one is slightly inebriated).

Eggs Benedict, Pizza Style!!!

I have made a few changes to the classic recipe, mainly due to the process that pizza must undergo to be properly cooked. A 500 degree stone is no way to poach an egg. Thus, I prepared my eggs ahead of time, and let them cool, so when added to the pizza they should simple re-warm and not actually cook, for solid yolks on poached eggs is not very desirable. Besides, what are you going to dunk your bits of pizza crust in?

I went for what was in my refrigerator, cause I did not want to stop at the store. I happened to have Hot Capicolla (Hot Copa) to function as my Canadian Bacon (Center cut Ham), but Bacon (pre-cooked), Pancetta (pre-cooked) or Black Forest Ham would be nice too.

I also changed my normal Hollandaise recipe. Normally I use cold butter to make Hollandaise, but I used melted butter this time in order to speed up the process a little.

The good news is that, unlike most of the other Pizzas I have been making over the last few days, THIS one actually has a recipe… So lets jump right in and start with the Hollandaise. OH Wait!!! First, put your stone in the oven at 500 degrees and start heating it.

OK, NOW lets start the Hollandaise... (This is actually enough Hollandaise for 2 pizzas, but I am a Hollandaise Fanatic, and I always over do it.) ;)


2 Large Egg yolks
1 tsp Water
1/2 tsp Kosher Salt
1/4 tsp Sugar
1 TB freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
Pinch of Cayenne Pepper -or- a Dash of Tabasco
6 TB Unsalted Butter; Melted
Paprika, when Topping

Utilizing a glass bowl, whisk yolks, sugar, salt, cayenne and lemon juice together.
Melt the butter and make sure it is still hot.

Begin drizzling in the butter a little at a time, continuing to whisk until each addition emulsifies.

Pour finished Hollandaise into a squeeze bottle and place that in hot water to keep the sauce warm.

4 Poached Eggs - per pizza (although you CAN use only 3, it's up to you)

Place a deep skillet of water on the stove over high heat.
Once it begins to boil, add 1 tsp Salt and 1/4 cup vinegar, bringing back to a simmer.

Crack eggs into custard cups.
When water is simmering, slide the eggs from the cups into the hot water.

Cook until yolk is JUST beginning to thicken.

Remove with a skimmer to a paper towel lined plate and allow to cool - Be careful, I broke 1 of mine.

Preparing Pizza -

Press out a circle of dough to about 9 inches
Cover your peel with corn meal move crust to the peel. (shake the peel to make sure it moves)
Spread with 3 TB Hollandaise (I use a small frosting spreader for this)

Lay down about 5 pieces of Hot Capicolla, Ham, Canadian Bacon or your choice of cured meat.

Move pizza to your preheated stone and bake for 5 minutes.
Remove the par-baked crust and deflate any bubbles in the crust before placing the poached eggs on top. (Hit the eggs with a couple grinds of Black Pepper)

Return Pizza to the stone and bake an additional 3-4 minutes.
Remove from oven and squeeze warm Hollandaise over the eggs.
Sprinkle with Smoked Paprika, Sweet Paprika or even more Cayenne. (your choice)

Then move to a plate without cutting, this is definitely a Knife and Fork type Pizza.

NOW the best part, cut off a piece of the crust and poke it into one of the hot liquid Hollandaisey yolk...

MMMMMM.... Yes, at moments like this, I truly feel the presence of Divinity all around me.



  1. I think this is by far your greatest pizza! I just sent it to Steve because he loooves Eggs Benedict.

  2. Thanks Michele! It was REALLY good... I actually ate too much, cause I could not stop. ;) I think I could have fed 2 people with just 1 pizza. LOL

  3. Another masterpiece, it's like the road to Damascus, "eggs benedict" + "Pizza"

    OH MAN!

    My heart specialist is not going to like this one but I Love it!
