Monday, June 15, 2009

Tacos From A Can - Tacos De Una Lata

This is a comfort food recipe for me. Something my mom use to make when I was a kid. Raiding the pantry for canned goods on those occasions when we were either snowed or iced in. It never really had a name, so I call it "Tacos from a Can"

Granted I have changed it up a bit over the years. I now use Chicken instead of Beef, Black Beans instead of Kidney Beans, and since the Cream of Mushroom soup is really only a binder, I use the Low Fat/Low Sodium one... It gets lost in the Fajita/Taco seasoning anyway, so it doesn't effect the flavor.

I do like to add some fresh bell peppers and 1/2 of a medium onion to make it a little Fajita'ish instead of Taco'ish. So I guess this is really "Fajitas from a Can" instead of "Tacos from a Can" ;)

Fajitas De Una Lata

1 – 1.25 Lbs Ground Chicken or Turkey
Optional - If using Fajita Seasoning - add 1/2 chopped White Onion
Optional - If using Fajita Seasoning - add 1/2 chopped Bell Pepper
1 Can Black Beans; Drained & Rinsed
1 Envelope Chicken Taco Seasoning (or Fajita Seasoning -- see optional ingredients above)
1 Can Evaporated Milk
1 Can Low Fat Cream o’ Mushroom Soup
1 8oz.Tomato Sauce
1 Can Diced Green Chilies (either hot or mild, your choice)
6-8 Flour Tortillas (Soft Taco Size)
1 lb or 4 cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese or Mexican Mix (or a mixture of both)
1 Can Sliced Black Olives (I use the larger can cause I love black olives)

In a large skillet over medium high heat, begin browning the meat and, if using, onion and bell peppers.

Sprinkle Fajita seasoning over meat and stir to coat.

Pour in the evaporated milk and simmer for 10 minutes.

Stir in Black beans

Mix tomato sauce and cream of mushroom soup in a separate bowl and add to the meat mixture.

Stir in the Diced green chilies

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Layer the bottom of a 9x9 or 7 x11 1/2 Casserole dish with tortillas, tearing as needed.

Pour 1/3 of the meat mixture over the tortillas.

Sprinkle 1/3 of the cheese over that.

Lay down another layer of tortillas and repeat, until you have 3 layers... BUT, hold off on the last layer of cheese.
Once you have poured the last of the meat mixture, sprinkle the black olives before the last of the cheese. (the olives will rise to the surface as the cheese melts and this will keep them from drying out in the oven)

Add the last of the cheese then place the casserole dish on a baking sheet (just in case)

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes

Remove from oven & let cool for about 15 minutes.

Dig in and serve with a Corona and a Lime... Awesome!!



  1. Wow, this is a great "casserole". The whole fam would dig this. Thanks for sharing a family recipe with us :)

  2. This is totally my kinda meal!!

  3. I learn from you all the time. Thank you so much. I always put olives on top of casseroles such as this and pizza. Thus drying them out more than I would like. From now on, they will go under the cheese. Should have figured that one out on my own, oh well, that is why I am so glad that I have gotten to know you, always learning great tips from you.

  4. Love a good casserole. Looks awesome, and more than a little like something my mom used to make when she couldn't get to the store. Good times.
