Monday, July 6, 2009

Southern Comfort - Coconut Pecan Pie

Hello everyone out there in Blog reading land. I apologize for my unwarned absence from cyber-ville, but I have been a victim of that 4 letter word..... W O R K. My company has been suffering through a software migration over the last couple weeks, so life has been something pretty close to... um... well... let's just say that my mental picture of Hell has been altered to include florescent lighting.

Over the weekend of the 4th, however, I did have the pleasure of a visit from one of my closest friends, Joe, from EspressoJoe Sans Sanity. (we go way back). I was too involved in my host duties to really sit down and blog about anything, or try to take pictures while I was cooking. Although, I do have a picture of a finished dinner that I will post later, just no step by step photos. Joe and I spent most of the time either consuming vast quantities of vino and visiting or "geeking out" by watching Stargate Atlantis' final season (5), which just hit DVD on the 30th of June, while consuming vast quantities of vino. It was a much needed respite from the mind numbing work week.

In the interest of trying to get back into the swing of things, at least a little bit, since there was a lull in the insanity today. I embarked upon a super easy practice pie... (I owe Joe a Pecan pie for his birthday). While the recipe I grew up on is a Coconut Pecan Pie, it is easily modifiable by replacing the coconut with extra pecans for all those opposed to sullying their pecan pie with "sawdust shavings" (other peoples words, not mine) Personally, I prefer the coconut approach to the pie as it reminds me of the frosting on German's Sweet Chocolate Cake. So without further babbling, here's my grandmother's Coconut Pecan Pie. Link

Coconut Pecan Pie

1/2 recipe Pâte Brisée
2 TB Unsalted Butter
1 Cup Light Brown Sugar
3/4 cup Dark Corn syrup or 4 tsp Molasses mixed with enough light Corn Syrup to make 3/4 cup
3 Large Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla or 1/2 of a scraped Vanilla Bean or 1 TB Southern Comfort
1/4 tsp Kosher Salt
1 Cup Shredded or Angel Flaked Coconut
1/2 Cup Pecans, Ground
1/2 - 3/4 Cup Pecan halves, for Decoration

Preheat Oven to 250 degrees and roll out the Pâte Brisée to line a 9 inch pie plate (not deep dish)

Cream Butter & Brown Sugar together.

Add the Corn Syrup and mix well.

Add Eggs, Vanilla & Salt and stir until combined.

Fold in the Coconut & the chopped Pecans.

Pour into 9 inch shallow pie shell.

Place Pecan halves on top of mixture in a design radiating out from the center.

Bake in oven for 60 to 70 minutes. (If the shell browns too quickly, place thin strips of foil around the edge, although this should not occur due to the low cooking temperature.)
Remove from oven (it will be slightly puffy, but will flatten out as it cools),

and let cool to room temperature before cutting, this allows the interior to set.
Serve while still slightly warm or wait until completely cooled and serve with vanilla ice cream.

Pecan Pie on Foodista


  1. Working hard and baking pie! Glad to see you back! You were definitely missed! Your pie looks yummy!

  2. I am such a geek, after reading the recipe, I went back to search where the Southern Comfort came into the recipe! (Slapping forehead with hand.)

  3. OH EM GEE!!! I want this. NOW! You are killin' me...think I've mentioned that before. You just pushed one of my fave's over the top!! Bookmarked ;)

  4. Michele - Thanks! It's great to be back.

    Patti - I made a mistake... Next to the Vanilla there is suppose to be a "or 1 TB Southern Comfort" I goofed, thanks for the heads up.. :)

    Girlichef - :) Thank you...

  5. YAY!!! Shane is back! You've been MIA way too long! You know....Pecan Pie is my most favoritest pie ever!!! and how come yours turn out soooo damn pretty? My pecans just get all messed up.

  6. OOooohhhhh Shane now I really want a slice of that pie!! The addition of the Southern Comfort takes it to a new realm of comfort food.
