Sunday, September 6, 2009

In the "Spirit" of German's Chocolate Cake

Normally I am not into sweet drinks, I tend towards raw liquors such as Crown rocks or Scotch and Soda, even Gin and Tonic (as long as there are no black lights around to cause the tonic water to glow). I have my sour moments filled with Grey Hounds, Salty Dogs, Amaretto Sour, Gin Fizz or any such concoction smacking of Lemon or Grapefruit. But for the most part, I avoid the "Tequila Sunrise", the "Sex on the Beach" shudder when anything ending in "-tini" goes by me, and run screaming from the "Fuzzy Navel" to hide behind an Aviation or Martini (you know, the real thing? with Gin & Vermouth not Vodka and Apple Pucker)

My philosophy has always been, "If you don't like the taste of alcohol, then you should be drinking a Shirley Temple" not a Cosmo that has been hit with several shots of grenadine to "sweeten" it up.

That may have changed... I was at Bev Mo a few days and found something I had never seen before.... Praline. A delightful, though sweet liqueur rendition of those lovely brown sugar coated pecan morsels from New Orleans. AWESOME!

More importantly was what it made me think of, since I had a pint of Godiva Liqueur at home, a cocktail that tastes like my favorite cake... German's Chocolate... YUM....!!!!

So here we go.

German Chocolate Cake

1 1/2 oz (jigger) Meyers Dark Rum (although I was out by the time I finished "testing" and had to use Bacardi Select Dark - Meyers was better)
1 oz Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
3/4 oz Praline
1/2 oz Coconut Jack or Malibu
1 TB light Whipping Cream (This gives the cocktail more body and a creamier mouth feel, more like the frosting)
Shred or slice of Coconut for garnish (I thought I had some in my freezer, but I was out - Darn it!!)
optional - Grated Chocolate for the rim
optional - Pecan to drip in the bottom of glass

Place your Cocktail glass in the freezer.
Fill your shaker with ice.

Add all the liquor.


and Strain into the chilled glass.

Float 1 TB Light Whipping Cream and stir lightly to swirl together.

I was bummed that I was out of Chocolate and Pecans too, cause I really wanted to garnish the cocktail nicely. But honestly, it still tasted like German Chocolate Cake which was the whole point, the rest it just fluff.. ;)

Cin Cin!!


  1. im speechless. i'm...i dunno... but OMG! OMFG! I sooo want that NOW. and if I hadn't just had 2 margs, I would be on my way to BevMo this very minute. Guess where I'm heading tomorrow? :D

  2. HA HA HA The stuff is REALLY good. I am working on a modified "Hot Buttered" Rum to make Hot (Molten) German Chocolate Cake for those COLD nights in December... ;)

  3. Dude I'd so prop my ass up on your counter and be a taste tester anytime!(I'd say belly up to your bar, but you don't have one HA)

    Garnish, smarnish, it would only get in the way! LOL
