Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Using your Noodle - Gingered Chicken Ramen with Bok Choy

I promise that this is the last one... Cause I think I am completely Ramen'ed out for awhile.

There really isn't an interesting back story to this except that I figured since the first dish I did focused more on a basic "Noodle soup" aspect and the second focused on bringing a more "French" flair to the dish, that I should do something that smacked of the Asian origins of Ramen noodles. So this is what I use to do when I was tired of eating it as a soupish type dish, and focuses more on Pan-Asian flavors as well as the "noodles" themselves when serving, as the broth is discarded.

Gingered Chicken Ramen with Bok Choy

1 pkg Chicken Ramen (although Pork works just as well for this)
2 TB Orange Juice
1 Baby Bok Choy
1/2 tsp Ginger Powder (although this is better with freshly grated)
1/4 tsp dried Orange Peel
1 egg

Remove the core and separate the ribs of the Bok Choy.

Cut off the top leaf part and reserve, then dice the ribs as you would celery.

Place 1 3/4 cups of water in a small sauce pan along with 2 TB Orange Juice, the diced Bok Choy, dried Ginger and dried Orange Peel; bringing to a boil over medium heat.

Add the noodles and let boil for 2 minutes.

Crack an egg into the sauce pan.

Stir slowly with a fork so the egg pieces are larger and simmer for 1 minute more.

Remove from heat and add the reserved Bok Choy leaves.

Stir them into the noodles and let set for 5 minutes. This will allow the noodles to absorb some of the stock.

Strain out any remaining broth and serve the noodles.

Serve with a sprinkle of more powdered ginger if desired.

So these last 3 posts I have shared with you some of the "things" I do to my Ramen noodles. Do you do anything different to yours? What's your favorite flavor? (Mine is actually the Chili Lime Shrimp)



  1. I can feel it warming my bones now. Looks perfect for a chilly day like today :D

  2. That looks wicked good. Love the orange in there, I'm totally trying that out.

    Heh, ramen is one of those funny things that people seem to get cravings for, eat for a week and then not touch for months.

  3. I agree with Bob...every now and then I get a craving, usually when I'm sick. Comfort food. My favorite is the "beef" flavor.

  4. I think this is my favorite one so far. wait...did I say that about the last one too? I love ginger and I love bok choy....mmmm
