Thursday, October 22, 2009

Go Ahead, Make My Soufflé - ButterNut Squash Soufflé

I love squash.  Thus, I am very excited because not only is it winter squash season, but my Dad grew butternut in the garden this year. Awesome!!!

When I cut it open, it smelled like fresh cream and nuts... Totally mouthwatering, lemme tell ya. Definitely some excellent squash this year.

I decided it was time to take this delectable 'askutasquash' (Native American) and showcase it's creamy richness by preparing a soufflé. Oh Yeah!!!

I use a little Orange Blossom Honey for 2 reasons.....
  1. Honey, while sweet, is also acidic. The increased acidity stabilizes the egg whites by allowing the proteins to stretch further before breaking (kind of like pulling Mozzarella curd).
  2. Honey, in general, deepens the flavor of Butternut Squash (this is why I use it when I make Butternut Squash Pie) but the hint of Oranges in Orange Blossom Honey makes it even more special.
I decided to line the soufflé dishes with Demerara Sugar, just for the hint of molasses it would add.

So if you need a break from the "Pumpkin Standard", think outside the pie shell. All of the winter squash are excellent sources of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), provide high amounts of vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber and manganese. In addition, winter squash are a rich in folate, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B1, copper, vitamin B6, niacin-vitamin B3 and pantothenic acid.
So don't stop at the Sugar Pumpkin/Pie pumpkin.... Bring on the Hubbard, Turban, Butternut, Kabocha, Amber Cup and the Georgia Candy Roaster. Not only are they all delicious in their subtle differences, believe it or not, just about every single one of them makes an awesome "Pumpkin" Pie.

Butternut Soufflé

10 1/2 oz Butternut Squash
2 TB Sugar
Pinch of Salt
1/4 cup Orange Blossom Honey
1/2 Vanilla Bean Caviar
4 Large Eggs, separated
1 Large Egg White
Demerara Sugar

Halve the squash and remove the seeds and pulp.

Peel with a Vegetable peeler (the skin is soft enough)

Cube the squash and place in a steamer basket and set over the boiling water for 12 minutes or until fork tender.

Meanwhile, wipe your mini soufflé ramekins with butter and sprinkle with Demerara sugar to coat, then set aside.

Place the squash in a food processor along with the Sugar, Salt, Honey and Vanilla caviar;

Then process until smooth, then move to a large bowl.

Separate the eggs and add the yolks to the Squash mixture.

In a medium bowl, whip the egg whites until firm peaks.

Fold the egg whites into the Squash mixture 1/3 at a time.

Spoon into prepared ramekins and bake for 20 - 25 minutes.

Remove from oven and let rest 10 minutes before serving with Vin Santo.



  1. Well here is one very good reason for me to chuck my Salad Shooter and get me a real food processor! This looks awesome!!

  2. The only way I have ever cooked a butternut squash was just plain or in a soup, this looks delicious. Thanks for explaining all the technical sides of cooking, it is always so helpful.

  3. Wow, that looks wicked good. I've promised myself that I'm going to cook more squash this year, I wonder if I'm brave enough to try souffle...

  4. that looks incredible! at first the squash looked really big until i saw your hand over it LMAO!!!

  5. fabulous idea to turn these sweet vegetables into a dessert.

  6. I don't think I've ever had souffle... but that looks really tasty!
