Monday, November 16, 2009

Ravioli, It Really Get's My Goat - Ravioli di Chevre y Noce

Have you ever just been sitting there, minding your own business and you are suddenly whacked in the back of the head by one of the Muses from ancient Greece? Hmmmm, Yeah. Well, whichever one of the nine it was, she gave me whiplash. (I wonder if you can sue a Muse) Anyway, that is how this recipe came to being.

Which also begs the question, which muse IS responsible for culinary inspiration? Food is kind of like a dance, or at least running around the kitchen is kind of a dance, especially when there is more than one person cooking. But then again, the prepared dish is kind of like poetry or music that you can taste and smell. So would it be Calliope of the Epic Poem, Erato of Lyrical poetry, Euterpe of Music, Polyhymnia of Choral Poetry, or Terpsichore of the Dance? I would say that it was the tenth Muse, but I am pretty sure that Plato already bestowed that honorific on Sappho.

I suppose, in order to forgo stepping on any of Sappho's toes, I should propose that there is an eleventh muse out there in this age of Foodistas, Gastronomes, Foodies, Gourmands and the ever "Epicurious". I have decided to call her Culinathyra (kull-in-a-THEE-ra). At the least, this give me an idea of who I need to serve papers too.. LOL

As far as the resulting ravioli is concerned, I always make my filling first, so it has time to cool while I am prepping the pasta sheets. So here is the inspired recipe

Chevre and Walnut Ravioli in Sage Brown Butter

1 TB Butter
1 large Shallot, minced
6 Sage Leaves, Minced
6 oz Chevre
4 oz Mascarpone
1 large Egg
1/2 cup Walnuts, toasted and chopped fine
Zest of 1 Lemon
2 TB Grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
Kosher Salt
Fresh Ground Black Pepper

First melt the butter over medium heat and add the shallots when the foam subsides.

Sauté over medium heat until the shallot caramelizes (This takes awhile - 15-20 minutes).

Stir in the chopped Sage and set aside to cool. (the hot shallots will draw out the oils)

Toast the walnuts and allow to cool before chopping fine, set aside.

In a medium sized bowl, mix Chevre, Mascarpone, and Egg until smooth.

Add the Walnuts and Caramelized Shallots and stir to combine.

Finish off with the Lemon Zest and Parmigiano-Reggiano,

Then adjust the seasoning by adding Kosher Salt and/or Black pepper as needed.

Cover with plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator until the pasta is ready for filling.

Makin Pasta...

I made a double batch of Pasta (cause I wanted some extra left over for something else) so the amounts in the pictures will not match the recipe.

3/4 cups Semolina Flour
3/4 cups AP Flour
1/4 tsp Kosher Salt
2 large Eggs (room temperature)
2 1/2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

In a large bowl place the Semolina flour, AP flour, and the salt; Blending well with a whisk

Create a well in the center and crack eggs into the well and add the olive oil.

Remove any rings you may have on.

Stick your fingers in the eggs and break up the yolks (Come on, lets get acquainted with our food, don't be shy)

Working your fingers in a circle begin incorporating the flour into the eggs/oil mixture until it begins to thicken.

Eventually you will need to dump it onto a board and knead it

until it is smooth and elastic.

Bringing it all together....

Now I get to play with 2 toys today. The Kitchen Aid Pasta Roller (Yay!)

and my Ravioli Press.

Divide the dough into 4 pieces and wrap them in plastic wrap (which I forgot to do at first)

Take the first piece of dough and run it through the widest setting on your roller, fold and run through again, using the roller to knead the dough a little more.
Begin tightening the roller 1 notch at a time and running the dough through each setting until you reach size 6 (as opposed to 8). This is where I stop for Ravioli.

Take the resulting sheet and cut it in half, then lay 1 sheet over the ravioli press.
Use the top plate to press pockets into the pasta.

Fill with the Chevre/Walnut filling (mine makes small squares so it only takes about 1 tsp of filling).

Brush all the edges with water and lay down another pasta sheet over the top and press down gently to partially seal before running a rolling pin over the press to cut and crimp the pasta (you may need to make a couple passes)

Flip the press over....

and cut the ravioli apart with a knife if necessary.

Place on a flour dusted baking sheet, to prevent sticking.
Continue with the next piece of pasta dough until all the filling or all the dough has been used whichever comes first.
Cover with Plastic wrap and place in the freezer, then move to a Zip-Loc bag for longer storage.

How to Serve...

Bring a large pot to a boil.
Warm some Browned Butter with a few fresh Sage leaves in it.

Drop ravioli; when they float, they are done.
Toss with browned butter and garnish with a sage leaf or two and some toasted walnuts.

I think these would be just as delicious tossed with Pesto Genovese, but the nutty flavor of the browned butter really enhances the walnuts and lemon zest in the ravioli filling.



  1. This makes me think of my Nanny's homemade ravioli. They were the best! Yours look great too! I just saw ravioli with an egg inside and when you cut into it the egg is soft. Looked incredible. It's $100!

  2. Ooh sounds good!
    Chèvre cheese goes very well with honey so I'd totally add a touch of honey to the filling!

  3. Sounds fantastic! I bought a pasta machine recently, but I think it's already packed up...

  4. Great ravioli.
    I made them for the first time myself for October challenge and they were so much fun.

  5. omg....YUM!!! I mean serious YUM going on there. and I love your ravioli maker. I want ONE (my christmas list is getting longer and longer LOL)

  6. Not a Muse that hit you, it was the Greek Goddess Hestia. HESTIA was the virgin goddess of the hearth (both private and municipal) and the home. As the goddess of the family hearth she also presided over the cooking of bread and the preparation of the family meal.
