Saturday, November 28, 2009

Those Spicy Crustaceans - Peperoncini Poppers

I love quick, simple and delicious appetizers. OK, the cutting and cleaning of the peperoncini takes awhile, but the filling is quick and simple. LOL And that leaves me free to concentrate on the meal without worrying that everyone is starving to death.

I wanted to make these with fresh Dungeness crab this year, there just wasn't time with everything else going on, so sacrifices had to be made. As a result, I simply used Bumble Bee fancy white Crab meat from a can. (Don't laugh... Steaming and shelling a crab before Thanksgiving just wasn't feesable) LOL

I think this was originally a Hearty Boys recipe, but I have been making these for so long now, I can't say for sure.

Peperoncini Poppers

30 small Peperoncini or 18-20 Large Peperoncini
8 oz Crab Claw meat (Shredded) or 2 cans of Fancy White meat Crab
8 oz Cream Cheese
8 oz Mascarpone
1 1/2 TB Italian Seasoning
1 inch of Red Pepper Paste
1 or 2 dashes of Tabasco
Chopped Flat Leaf (Italian) Parsley or Cilantro

Cut the stems form the Peperoncini and

carefully scrape out the seeds.

Beat Cream Cheese and Mascarpone in a bowl.

Add Crab meat and continue to mix.

Add Italian Seasoning, Red pepper paste, and Tabasco and mix until well blended.

Fill a pastry bag with large star tip or use a zip lock bag with one of the bottom corners cut off.

Fill the interior cavity of the Peperoncini with mixture, over filling slightly.

Dip the filled end of the Peperoncini in the chopped Parsley or Cilantro right before serving and place on serving tray.

Creamy, Spicy and "Crabby".... Delish!!!



  1. MMMMMMMmmmm, another great idea! I love the jalapeno poppers, these don't even need cooking. What a great appetizer for a party.

  2. My nose is twitching; I think that means these are GOOD, grins.

  3. I can taste them now!..awesome as always!

  4. the hardy boys had recipes? LOL...I have a nancy drew cookbook that i got when I was in middle school. I don't think she had anything this fancy in it
