Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Festive Winter Attire For Cake - Stenciling

Remember that 9 inch round from the "Awesomest Chocolate Cake, Ever" that was going to be left over from my niece's Volcano Cake? The one I said I was gonna munch on, simply sprinkled with Confectioners' Sugar? Well, it was a little more involved than that... But it was sure tasty.

Stenciling a Delicious Chocolate Cake That Really Doesn't
Need any Frosting Cause It's Delicious All By Itself

I grabbed one of the snowflakes I had cut out for my mom - EONS ago... (Cause I really AM that old)

Since it wasn't a negative image, I had to sprinkle the cake with Confectioners' sugar first or the snowflake would have been brown. (Brown snow isn't very appetizing, if ya know what I mean)

Then lay down the pattern....

And sprinkle that with Cocoa Powder.....

Then remove the paper snowflake (Carefully) and Voila!!

A white Snowflake (a little big maybe, but it worked)



  1. I always forget about stenciling cakes. I really should sit down and make some patterns that I can whip out LOL Yours looks fantastic of course! great thinking on the snowflake.

  2. The stencil makes that cake look so elegant!

  3. I can't believe you even made the stencil. You are so creative. It made for an impressive looking cake.

  4. It's beautiful, Shane! Now I have to go back and read your other posts. I'm so behind! :)

  5. that is a beautifully wonderful idea!!
