Monday, April 26, 2010

Childhood Flashbacks - Grandma's Meatloaf

In this world filled with foodie delights such as Quail Eggs, Morels, Fois Gras, Fennel Pollen and cuttlefish ink, nothing says lovin from the 40-something generation's oven more so than good ol' meatloaf. I don't know bout you, but I ate it a lot when I was a pup.

Yeah, it's not the most glamorous of dishes. It's not Avant-garde. It's not "Sexy". It's not Chic. It wont be showing up on the menu at a 3 Michelin star restaurant any time soon. Yet it is still adored. So lets give meatloaf it's due.

It brings us back to a simpler time. It's easy to prepare, though it takes time to bake, and darn it, it just tastes good. Simple and uncluttered. It's comfort food at it's best, with it's only possible rival being Macaroni & Cheese. It just gives us a sense of well being.

I was reminded of this when I visited my grandmother this last weekend. For all my experimentation in the kitchen, for all of my passion for Italian food, for all of my fascination over exotic ingredients, and for all of my supposed "refined" taste buds. I LOVE MEATLOAF. Especially my grandmother's meatloaf. So I made her recipe tonight, since I was finally smart enough to copy it down. And I just didn't get enough of it this weekend . ;)

Granted I use slightly different ingredients, but the premise is the same. Grandma uses Lipton Onion Soup mix and V8 juice. I went for the organic/low sodium options. Mainly because Lipton Onion soup contains Hydrolyzed Soy Protein and I need to avoid that as much as possible, and V8 juice is a little high on the sodium.

Grandma's Meatloaf

1 lb 10% ground Beef
1/2 lb ground Lamb
5 oz Vegetable Juice
1/2 cup Panko
1 envelope Onion Dip Mix (I go for Simply Organic brand)
1/4 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano, shredded
1 Large Egg
1/4 tsp Garlic powder
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
optional - 1 rib Celery, diced
optional - 1/2 Carrot, shredded

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Crush the Panko in a plastic bag. (cause it's a little to coarse for meatloaf)

Dump everything into a bowl.

Stir with a fork until well combined.

Form into a loaf and place in a roasting pan with a small rack in the bottom for the fat to drain away.

Bake for 45 minutes, then check the internal temperature (your looking for 160 degrees)

Bake an additional 10 -15 minutes if necessary then remove from the oven and tent for 10 minutes.

Slice and serve.

And tomorrow.... there WILL be meatloaf sandwiches. YAY!!



  1. I don't care if it's no frills. That looks great! Your slices are perfect! LOL

  2. Oh man, you're killing me. I love meatloaf but haven't made it in forever.

    I'm still trying to convince my girlfriend that if I make meatloaf it won't be her mother's (which is disgusting). It's been almost eight years, but I've almost convinced her to try it. I bet if I swap out the lamb for pork she'd try this, it's nice and non threatening. :D

  3. Only you would figure out a way to make gourmet meatloaf. Mine is so much simpler.

  4. Your meatloaf...eerrr....your grandma's meatloaf looks wonderful. I like how it looks in a larger dish rather than the typical bread loaf pan.

  5. I love meatloaf. I make mine different everytime. I want mine to slice nicely like yours---I throw so much junk in mine that it falls apart. :(

  6. Love that comfort food!..and as you know me the older the recipe the better!..hey I also want to send you some t shirts and other stuff when we get them printed up..well my email is linked to your send me yours?..

  7. So funny, we had meatloaf this week. Mine, no grandmas here. The grandmothers were know for their terrible meatloaves, sadly. My hubby's favorite thing with meatloaf,.............thinly sliced on sandwiches the next day. Yours looks beautiful, all that browned yumminess!
