Sunday, April 4, 2010

Let's Play a Game - What The Heck Is It?

It's been a while since I have asked one of these questions, before Christmas as a matter of fact. So I thought it would be fun to play another guessing game, before I post the recipe tomorrow.

I have this handy dandy tool that I found in a vintage store several years ago. I had to have it, cause it reminded me of the one my grandmother has. Can anyone tell me what it is?

No, it's not a medieval hair pick either... LOL

Step right up, don't be shy! Give it a go.

I'll even give you a hint.... It's a type of fork.



  1. It's a fork that you use to cut Angle Food cake.

  2. Well if I had been here I would have given her competition! LOL Yeah, very common in the cake community ;) Actually, a lot of peeps use them to serve wedding cake.

  3. Well I had no idea...I learn something new everyday.

  4. Heh, I had no idea either. Course I've never made an angel food cake.
