Sunday, May 23, 2010

On the Trail of Petticoat Tails - Shortbread in a Stoneware Mold

As I talked about a couple posts back, I have a petticoat tail mold for my shortbread baking pleasure. I quickly found out that my traditional 1-2-3 recipe was not gonna fly when using this earthenware pan. So some alterations were in order....

Well, 11 batches of Shortbread later, I think I have come up with a stoneware mold recipe that I am happy with; along with a few tricks with the oven temperature to keep the edges from getting too brown. The texture finally seems right. (or at least the way I have always liked my shortbread) Sandy, with a little bit of a chew too it, but still melts in your mouth. Oozing with butter flavor, lightly sweet with just a hint of a saltiness.

The perfect accompaniment to a cup of Darjeeling or Earl Grey.

Shortbread Petticoat Tails

78 g Cultured European Butter (It's usually Unsalted)
45 g Super Fine Sugar
3/4 tsp Celtic Grey Salt (Kosher Salt will work just fine)
140 g AP Flour

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Beat the butter until creamy and smooth.

Add Super Fine Sugar and Salt....

Then beat again until light (not fluffy - If you aerate it too much it will try to rise in the oven).

Remove bowl from the mixer and work in the flour with a fork or a spatula.

You want to mix the flour until you achieve a cornmeal like texture.....

That will just barely hold together when squeezed.

Sprinkle the mold with a thin layer of AP Flour.

Pour the crumbly dough into the mold

and press it in, starting at the middle.... and working your way our to the edge,

making sure it's all nice and even in thickness. (it took me a couple times to get this right)

Prick the backside with a fork to allow steam to escape. (there won't be as much if you used the European butter, since it contains less water)

Bake for 5 minutes; then reduce the heat to 275 and continue baking for an additional 30 minutes. (this heats up the stone to get good color, but doesn't allow the butter to over-brown at the edges)
Remove from the oven and let it set for 10 minutes.

Then work around the edge with an offset spatula, just to make sure the sides didn't stick.

Flip the mold over and release the shortbread round.

Slice with a VERY long knife into wedges and let cool completely. (the texture changes dramatically as it cools)

Enjoy with a nice cup of tea, or coffee.

Or simply by itself.... YUM!!!


P.S. For the curious.... Teacup by Duchess Bone China "Thistle" Pattern; side plate by Paragon Bone China, no pattern name that I am aware of.


  1. Looks great, Shane! I have a fear of the cookie mold. May I call on you when I finally break down and get my speculaas mold? I can't keep using cookie cutters with just ain't right.

  2. Yuuum!! You should really consider shipping some my way! :p

  3. It sure looks like the tea cup, side plate and the cookie are all nicely coordinated! I just love shortbread.

  4. What a gorgeous mold!! and you described what a shortbread should taste like perfectly :) I can almost smell it....sigh. Now I want one with my morning coffee

  5. Hi Shane, I received a mold for Christmas last year and now I'm hooked! Thought I would scan the web for some new recipe ideas and came across your blog. I made your shortbread recipe last night (so happy that you made 11 batches and not me!! LOL) It is tasty as you describe! Had to wrap and hide from hubby or there would be no shortbread for Christmas eve festivities! I did convert grams to cups though, that was a bit of a challenge. You can see pictures and my post over at
    Merry Christmas and Joy to the World!
