Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Get your Pumpkin On! - Pumpkin Biscuits/Scones

It's that time of the year again, though the weather doesn't seem to have realized it quite yet.  Autumn has fallen, and while our Butternut squash aren't quite ready yet, I'm feeling very "squashy" anyway.  Thank goodness I have some pureed pumpkin lying around!  Thus it is that I can satisfy my growing need for squash.

These lightly sweet biscuits are delicious with Darjeeling, especially when topped with Crème Fraîche, Ginger Preserves or Gingered Honey, though Devonshire cream would be just as delicious, I am sure.  You can just as easily use a Butternut puree instead of Pumpkin, or other favorite winter squash.  As far as the Spelt is concerned, if you do not have Spelt flour, Whole Wheat Pastry flour is a good substitution.  I say "Pastry Flour" because the Spelt is naturally lower in gluten than conventional "Whole Wheat Flour".  Whole Wheat Pastry Flour, however, is milled from a "softer" or lower gluten wheat, thus making it a great alternative.

Pumpkin Biscuits

1 cup (4.25 oz) (121 g)AP Flour
1 cup (3.5 oz) (100 g) Spelt flour or Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1 TB Aluminum-Free Baking Powder
2 TB Dark Brown Sugar
1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 tsp Kosher Salt
1/2 cup (4 oz) (114 g) Unsalted Butter
1 cup (9.2 oz) (262 g) Pumpkin Purée
2 TB Heavy Cream

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
In a medium bowl, combine both Flours, Baking Powder, Brown Sugar, Pumpkin Pie Spice and Salt; whisking to combine.

Add cold Butter and cut it into the flour mixture until you achieve the texture of coarse corn meal.

Spoon the Pumpkin Purée over the mixture and fold it in with a spatula until it forms a soft dough.

Turn this out onto a lightly floured surface.

Roll to a thickness of 1/2 inch.

Cut out biscuits with a 3 inch cutter.

Move to a parchment lined baking sheet.

Brush the tops with the 2 TB of Heavy Cream then poke with a fork a couple times.

Bake for 13-15 minutes.

Remove from the oven, and serve warm with Ginger Preserves or Crème Fraîche.......

or both....  ;)

Or you try Gingered Honey....



  1. Hooray for fall, and pumpkins! The look delicious, we are just finishing off pumpkin cupcakes or I would be tempted to make these. Hubby insists next dessert MUST be chocolate.

  2. I am doing pumpkin this month too!

    Those are some good looking biscuits.
