Sunday, October 31, 2010

Buffalo Billy's Droolin' Chili - Hector's Chili with Bison and Moose Drool

I figured that since it was Halloween and it is my 400th post, that I would write about something very near and dear to my heart(burn).  ;)

Hector's Chili

Back in 2007 I was exposed to this chili recipe by a Bakespace member....  That would be my friend Spryte from Spryte's Place, and her original recipe is located }--here--{  (and linked by the name above as well)  This is the ultimate chili recipe, as far as I am concerned.   In fact, it has become my ONLY chili recipe.  Granted I have done my own slight tweaks to it over time.  Nothing really major mind you, just a few things here and there.  This started because I was having less than stellar luck in finding the recommended "smoked lager" while living in San Diego.  So I opted to acquire my smoky flavor from my own chili powder mixture.... (Schmokin Chili Powder)  utilizing Chipotle and Smoked Paprika as well as a touch of Alder Smoked Salt. But I have veered from my original paragraph topic..... The beer I have come to rely on for this chili is "Moose Drool" (Brown Ale) from the Big Sky Brewing company.

I know, I know.... Here I am, living  in "Microbrew Heaven" and I am buying beer from Montana!!  This is proof positive that I am insane.

The other changes I have made have been dictated by circumstance.  But surprisingly enough, I have found that I like the chili even better.  (which I really didn't think was possible)

The first of these happenstances was when I was out of regular canned tomatoes.  I was forced to use the Fire Roasted Tomatoes in my pantry...  Oh yeah!  YUM!  The other change was the hot sauce. I have a hard time finding Caribbean hot sauce, so I have opted for Louisiana hot sauce instead.  

The final change, and reason for the post title, is that instead of Hot Italian Sausage, I use Ground Bison... With a little more Chili Powder.  ;)  It seems to temper the beef and make it taste more "beefy".  Just trust me... It does.  I think it is because Bison sweetens the Beef a little.

So once again I must shout out to one of my Beeps (BakeSpace Peep) "Thanks Spryte... That Chili Recipe ROCKS!!!!"

Buffalo Billy's Droolin' Chili
(AKA: Hector's Chili with Bison)

1 TB Olive Oil
2 Yellow Onions, Chopped
1 lb Ground Bison
1 lb lean beef stew meat
24 oz Moose Drool (Big Sky Brewing)
28 oz Fire Roasted Tomatoes
4 TB Schmokin Chili Powder
1 TB Cumin Seeds, Ground
1 TB dried Oregano
1 tsp Freshly Ground Ginger
1 tsp Smoked Salt
1/4 tsp ground All-Spice
15 oz light Kidney beans, Rinsed
15 oz dark Kidney beans, Rinsed
6 Cloves Garlic, finely chopped
1 1/2 TB Louisiana Hot Sauce

The pictures below will not reflect the above measurements, cause I was making a double batch.  (I have to, or there is never enough)

Heat oil in a large soup pot over medium-low heat.

Add onions and sweat then, stirring occasionally, until translucent.

Heat a separate saute pan over medium-high flame.

Add the ground Bison and saute until it is not longer pinkish.

Move the cooked Bison to a plate lined with Paper towels and blot the top to remove the excess fat. (there won't be much, Bison is pretty lean)

Transfer the bison to the Chili Pot along with the sweated onions.

Add stew meat and reduce the flame to low.

Add the Moose Drool. LOL (Sorry, That always makes me laugh, especially since it's Halloween)

Break up the Fire Roasted Tomatoes, while they are still in the can, with a knife.

Once broken up, add the Fire Roasted Tomatoes, along with their juices to the chili pot as well.

Give everything a good stir.
Stir in the Schmokin Chili Powder, ground Cumin, Oregano, grated Ginger, Smoked Salt and All-Spice. (Cooks note:  I freeze my ginger root and then grate it with a zester-- So easy)

Cover the pot and simmer for 1 1/2 hours.
Rinse the Kidney Beans really well. (you don't want canned bean goo in your chili)

Add Beans, along with the minced Garlic, to the chili pot.

Simmer at least an additional 30 minutes up to 1 hour.
Add Louisiana Hot Sauce just before serving or, since I got it pretty hot this time, allow those with asbestos tongues to add their own.  ;)

My favorite, is the proverbial Sour Cream and Shredded Cheddar and a little Pepper Jack.

Oh, and a Buttermilk Corn Biscuit!

It doesn't have to be shaped like an owl though, I did that for my Nieces and Nephews.  ;)

Mangia!! or should I say "Chow's On!!!"


  1. Guess what my plan for dinner tomorrow is, yep, chili. I don't have any bison available boo hoo. I have eaten it before though. I will be on the lookout for some though, perhaps at Wegman's. That cornbread owl was a cute idea.

  2. Ok, now I know why the package of Bison was giving me the eye yesterday at the store. I should've bought it....I should know that "look" by now! LOL
