Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Sleeping Leviathan

Since I have not had a puppy since 1998, I find myself a little taken aback by the amount of energy it takes to keep up with a 9 week old canine.  Going "out" every 3 hours, in between the feeding 4 times a day, and the playing, and the leash & crate training as well as the occasional car ride, and a visit to the Veterinarian for his "Puppy Wellness" checkup...  Whew!

Needless to say, I have not had a warm meal in over a week, nor have I been able to actually SIT down and concentrate on writing a post let alone edit any photos.  Thus it was that it took me so long to finally publish the post on my Nephew's Birthday cake.

But occasionally, "the Leviathan" sleeps......

And Sleeps....

And Sleeps....

Ah, a moment of quiet.  The calm before the storm....

Shhhhh   Don't wake him up  LOL

1 comment:

  1. So funny how you could insert baby where you are talking about your puppy and it is totally interchangeable. Looks like your nephew was quite pleased with your birthday cake. Your puppy is so sweet and just like with a baby, they are always really sweet looking when they are sleeping. Awwwwww.
