Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Totally Gratuitous Puppy Pictures - That's all

They say, though I have no idea who "they" are, that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  While this kernel of "wisdom" usually pertains to the weather , I have decided to celebrate the sheepish retreat of March by posting a plethora of pictures of my own little "lamb", who has been growing at an alarming rate.  Thus rendering him not so "little" anymore.  In hindsight, I guess raising a Miniature Schnauzer is not a good determination of Standard Poodle puppy growth.  LOL  Especially since Hunter is already bigger than Otto was.

This brings up another thing...  His name.

The last time I posted anything regarding his name, I was still toying with Reese/Riesling and Einstein.  Well, puppy decided to pick his own name.  He would not respond to Reese, Riesling, Einstein or even Spot, thus he was simply being referred to as "hey you" and "come here puppy".  One day I was making a joke about training him to Hunt for truffles.  For poodles are used fairly often in Italy for such purposes.  And lord knows Oregon has Truffles.  Upon hearing the word "Truffle Hunter", he came running over and sat down.  So I settled on "Hunter".  Cause I had no intention of calling him "Truffles"  ;)

The Big Day... January 17th, the Pick up in Hillsboro...

The first night.... after arriving home and checking out his new digs....

Puppy Heaven =  Sock + Sofa....

First Collar.....  It only took 2 weeks for him to out grow it.

Playing with my Niece.....  as puppies are want to do.

Relaxing in the tub....

Waiting patiently for his dog biscuits to come out of the oven....

Posing for the camera...  You know, they have red-eye reduction, but no doggy-eye reduction.

Running in his sleep.  He actually "Ran" off of his bed (It's hard to show that when it's a photo and not a video)

So tired from playing, that he missed his bed all together...

I decided I would go ahead and do a comparison.....

This was the first week after bringing him home... So he was about 9 weeks old.

This was taken this last weekend (3/21) now that he is 4 months old.

Either he has grown significantly, or someone let the air out of the ball... LOL

In about 2 more month he will be about 2/3 his adult size.  Ooooh Boy!  Cause he already weighs 26 pounds.

True, he doesn't really look all curly like a lamb or an adult poodle, cause he is still sporting his puppy coat.  His curly adult coat will start to grow in once he reaches 6 months.


OK, That is the end of the Proud Puppy Pappa pictures.... We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog-cast.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just loved the puppy pictures. He really has grown. Keep them coming, I will enjoy watching him grow.

  2. What a cutie! He's growing so fast! Thank you so much for sharing. I had a poodle once and I used to get it a "puppy cut" so it looked like a sheep dog.... sooo soft and fluffy.
    (Speaking of soft & fluffy.... is that YOU in the first photo?)

  3. Patti - Your Welcome... Yeah, he's growing like a weed... I didn't realize just how much until I started looking at the older pictures :)

    Martha - Thank you. He will probably spend most of his adult life in a puppy clip, just for ease. Cause I am not planning on showing him, and the Continental clip is out... too high maintenance. Yep, that is me in the picture... I desperate need of a haircut... LOL

  4. what a cutie! Hunter looks like a stuffed animal :)

  5. Hunter is 9 years old now.

    Did he ever learn how to hunt for truffles?

    My Diana pawPrints is 14 months and about 26-27" at the shoulder and weighs about 85lbs. She's doing scentwork as a "hobby" until she is old enough to see if she would make a good therapy dog.
