Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dirty Harry Cooks - Brandied Maple Soufflé

Soufflé always makes me laugh and puts me in a good mood.  Laughter being the best medicine and all.  You see, as crazy as it sounds, I always hear Clint Eastwood in the back of my head, saying, "Go ahead....  Make my Soufflé!" 

I am primarily a savory soufflé baker, except for my Butternut Souffle, but I was really in the mood for something a little more desert-y. It's an extremely simple formula and can be easily changed up.  This just happens to be the Brandy and Maple rendition, but these ingredients can be swapped out for such things as Orange Blossom Honey and Grand Marnier or Canton.... Maybe a little Lime juice and some Rum (sort of a fluffy Mojito)  Let your creativity run wild!

It has become obvious to me that I need some high sided soufflé dishes, or more ramekins to divide the batter between.  Things got a little out of control this time.  :)

Brandied Maple Soufflé  

4 4-inch high sided souffle dishes (or 6 4-inch ramekins)
Unsalted Butter (for the ramekins/souffle dishes)
1/2 cup Granulated Sugar, divided
4 large Egg Yolks
2 TB Grade B Maple Syrup (B has more flavor than A)
3 TB Apple Brandy (You can use regular Brandy or Cognac too)
5 large Egg Whites
Pinch of Kosher Salt
for serving - Unsweetened whipped Heavy Cream (or hit it with a little more brandy)

Preheat the oven to 400F degrees.
Smear the inside of the ramekins with butter, then sprinkle a little of the 1/2 cup of sugar into each ramekin to coat the bottom and sides.

In a large bowl, beat the Egg yolks slightly, then begin sprinkling the remaining sugar (the sugar left over from "dusting" the ramekins as well)

When the Sugar is dissolved and the yolks are pale and "ribbony", add the Maple syrup and beat well.

Add the Brandy, a little at a time, until completely incorporated.

In a separate bowl, beat Egg Whites with a pinch of salt,

until they reach stiff peaks.

Add a spatula full to the yolk mixture and simply stir it in to lighten the mixter for easier folding.

Fold in the remaining Egg Whites in 3 additions.

Divide the batter between the ramekins/souffle dishes.

Run your finger or thumb around the inside edge, creating a "ravine". this forces the sides of the souffle to rise up straight.

Place the ramekins in the preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes,

until well browned on the top. (as well as well risen) ;)

Allow to cool for about 10 minutes, then serve with a dollop of unsweetened whipped Heavy Cream.



  1. That looks so good. I vote for the brandy in the whipped cream!

  2. I want. Omg, Shane, you've outdone yourself this time. I haven't tried a souffle, yet. This looks like the perfect one to start with. Apple Brandy--yum.
