Sunday, October 16, 2011

Birth of a Blog - Welcome to CorningWare 411

I have been working on a side project over the last couple of months.   Since this is now my 500th post on Culinary Alchemy (woo hoo!), I think it's time to let the proverbial cat out of the bag.....

I would like to announce the official birth of CorningWare 411, a Retro-Spective on Vintage CorningWare. I don't know about everyone else, but I have a lot of memories tied to that little blue cornflower in mom's, grandma's and great grandma's kitchens...

Hopefully, as time goes on, this site will answer any and all questions regarding the Use and Care of your vintage CorningWare as well as provide recipe ideas that utilize Pyro-Ceram's unique ability to bounce from Freezer to Oven to Stove Top to Refrigerator (don't try this with the modern stoneware imitations).  Over time, I hope to gather more information on patterns and production dates as well.

So come on over, take a look-see... I will start some coffee in the Drip-O-Lator and we'll chat.  :)

Where is your CorningWare?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you decided to start this blog! I have enjoyed it immensely!
