Monday, October 3, 2011

The Dark Side of Angel Food - Angel Toast

Angel food cake....  That "lighter than air" pastry usually adorn with heavenly clouds of freshly whipped cream....

But there is a darker side to Angel Food.... 

Dipped in a rich, egg laden batter and fried up all crispy; then topped, yet again, with copious quantities of Whipped Cream.  Utter decadence.  So cross over to the dark side...  We have Angel Toast.

Angel Toast

2/3 cup Half and Half
2 large Eggs
1 tsp Sugar
Pinch of Kosher Salt
1/8 to 1/4 tsp Cinnamon, depending on your taste
10-12 slices of Angel Food Cake

For Serving:
Whipped Cream
Fresh Fruit, Fruit Preserves or Lemon Zest

Cut up your cake into 3/4 inch slices.

Grab 2 Baking Sheets and 2 Cooling Racks.....

One will go in the oven, set at 300 F degrees.

The other will assist in draining your soaked Angel Food Cake slices.

In a bowl, whisk the Half and Half, Eggs, Sugar, Salt and Cinnamon together until well blended.

Pour the mixture into a 10 inch pie plate (this allows for multiple pieces at a time)

Begin dipping each piece, for 5 seconds on one side, then flip and let set for 5 seconds more (Angel Cake doesn't take as long as Bread does, to absorb the liquid)

Place each dipped piece on the draining rack and allow excess to drain away.

While the cake is draining, heat your electric skillet (it just makes things easier) to medium high, then drizzle Olive oil in the skillet.

Lay about 4 - 5 pieces of cake in the skillet and sear for 3 minutes....

Turn and sear 3 minutes more.

Move seared pieces to the warm baking sheet in the oven, to finish off the cooking.

Continue in the same way until you are done searing all the toast and the last pieces have been placed in the oven on the rack.

Turn the oven "off" and let the "toast" set in the oven for an additional 10 minutes.....

Serve with Whipped Cream and Lemon zest, or fresh fruit, if desired.


1 comment:

  1. I just can't believe this post! How could you have made my favorite dessert even better!! Wow is all I can say.
