Monday, December 5, 2011

Hot Cocoa's Best Friend - Honey Marshmallows

I have attempted to make marshmallows many many MANY times.  Each time, the results have been a disaster. I went so far as to "blow up" my Oster Kitchen center in my quest to attain the perfect marshmallow.  In a way, it's because of marshmallows that I now own a Kitchen Aid mixer.  LOL
Alas, even with a KA, I still have not been able to achieve satisfactory marshmallow-dom. 

That is, until now. 

Thanks "bee" to The Pioneer Lady's Country Kitchen, for her Honey marshmallows are not only right up my ally (being made with honey) they come out perfect every time!

My 4 year long quest has come to a close and I have attained a state of Marshmallow Nirvana.  Now if you will excuse me, I must go make some Hot Cocoa to enjoy my puffy white pillows of deliciousness.  :)

Honey Marshmallows

Oil for the baking dish and the saucepan
Cornstarch to dust baking dish
1 TB unflavored Gelatin
a pinch of Kosher Salt
236ml (8oz) (1 cup) Water, divided
200g (1 cup) Granulated Sugar
236ml (8 oz) (1 cup) Honey (or 315g or 11.1oz depending on how you prefer to measure it)
Confectioners' Sugar for dusting marshmallows (about 1 cup-ish or 125 to 150 ish grams)

Grease an 9 x 9 pan and dust with cornstarch, then set aside.

In the bowl of your mixer, pour 118ml (4oz) (1/2 cup) of the Water and sprinkle the Gelatin over the surface to bloom.

Sprinkle with a pinch of Salt.

In a small saucepan, combine the remaining Water with Sugar and Honey.

Set this over medium flame and cook, without stirring, until it reaches Soft-Ball stage or between 234F and 240F (112C-115C).

Remove the syrup from the flame and pour over the bloomed Gelatin, stirring well to combine.

Allow this to cool until it has the consistency of a "raw egg white". I know that is kid of vague, but the temp varies slightly somewhere around 80 F (26 C) degrees

Then begin whipping the mixture with your whisk attachment (or rotary beater if you don't have a whisk) until stiff peaks form.

Pour into the prepared baking dish and allow the mixture to firm up and dry out for 8-12 hours, uncovered. (Yes, I started these yesterday evening and finished them first thing this morning)

Turn out onto a flat surface that has been liberally dusted with Confectioners' Sugar. (you may need to loosen the sides with a frosting spatula)

Cut into 1-inch strips, with a Confectioners' Sugar dusted knife, and roll each piece in more Confectioners' Sugar.

Cut each strip into 1 inch pieces.

Dredge again in Confectioners' Sugar.

Lay finished marshmallows on a piece of waxed paper and allow them to completely dry for an additional hours or so.

Turn them over and dust with Confectioners' Sugar, again.  Let them dry for 1 hour longer. (you will notice that the exposed sides have begun to form a dry "crust" on them.  This is a good thing)

Once they are completely dry, dust all the marshmallows again in Confectioners' Sugar before storing in an air tight container between sheets of waxed paper.

NOW is the time to make some Hot Cocoa (Not Hot Chocolate, actual Hot Cocoa)



  1. Looks like they turned out perfect this time.

  2. These look awesome! I tried vegan marshmallows on my sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving---horrible stuff. Now, I'm determined to make my own, despite the gelatin. ;)

  3. Cathy, you might be able to substitute Agar for the Gelatin. I am still looking for a recipe that uses boiled Mallow root, like in the olden days before Gelatin became so popular.

  4. I just love reading your posts, these look amazing but I don't know If I could attempt something this ambitious right now. I of course was noticing your cup, in the first picture I thought it looked like turtles along the bottom of the cup, but in the last picture I thought it looked like a quail. No matter which, like I said I love your posts.

  5. Patti - They are quail, Furnival's Quail to be exact. It is one of the "Breakfast" cups from the "good" dinnerware set my Grandfather bought from Orvis, piece by piece when I was a little kid.

  6. Some where we have a collection of plates that my husbands father bought from Orvis.
