Monday, January 16, 2012

The Savage Chocolate Beast - Brownie Pudding Cake

Every once in a while, I am gripped by the Chocolate Beast.  There is no calming this terrifying manifestation of hunger. That is, except for Mom's Brownie Pudding Cake.  

It's quite the enigma, really.  From the top, it looks like a dense brownie-esque type chocolate cake, yet hidden underneath the deceptively cakey looking surface, is a raging sea of molten chocolate pudding.  OMG I love this thing!  And while I love Molten Chocolate cakes, I will always have a soft spot for the Pudding cake of my childhood.  Richly chocolatey, decadently moist and literally dripping with warm chocolate pudding sauce...  Yep, the ONLY thing that can stop the Chocolate Beast dead in it's tracks.

The recipe sounds a little odd, but trust me; as strange as it looks, it will be awesome in the end.

Brownie Pudding Cake
1 cup AP Flour
3/4 cup Granulated Sugar
6 TB natural Cocoa Powder (not Alkalized); divided
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Kosher Salt
1/2 cup Whole Milk
2 TB Light Olive Oil
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
3/4 cup Brown Sugar
2 cups Water

Preheat the oven to 350 F (175 C) degrees and butter a 8 x 8 x 2 baking dish.
Combine Flour, Granulated Sugar, 3 TB Cocoa Powder, Baking Powder, and Kosher Salt in a bowl, whisking to combine.

Add Milk, Olive Oil and Vanilla extract, then stir with a spatula until a smooth batter forms.

Pour this into your prepared baking dish.

In another small bowl place Brown Sugar and the remaining 3 TB Cocoa Powder; mix with a fork until the cocoa is completely dispersed through the Brown Sugar.

Sprinkle this mixture over the top of the cake batter in an even layer.

You can stop here and refrigerate this part for up to 24 hours, but bring it back to room temperature before continuing.
When ready to bake, gently pour the 2 cups of water over the crumb mixture. (the brown sugar, cocoa and water combine to form the pudding ----  Don't ask me how it exchanges places with the cake batter underneath... It's part of the magic)

Carefully move the pan to the oven and bake for 45 minutes.

Allow to cool on a rack for at least 20 minutes before serving... You want to serve it warm, but not too warm.
Using a spoon, cut chunks of the brownie cake and move them to a dish, but don't forget to spoon some of the delicious pudding over the top.

Serve with Ice Cream or Whipped Cream... Your choice... 

Ah!  At last....  the Chocolate Beast has been satiated!



  1. I think I am among the few people on this planet who has never tasted this or a variation of this recipe. You make is sound really good Shane.

  2. I absolutely LOVE this cake. Somehow, in the 14 years I lived in San Diego, I had completely forgotten about it. I don't know why I never called mom for the recipe before now. Something triggered the memory though and I HAD to have it. LOL
