Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Pistachio Macaron with Orange Blossom Honey ButterCreme



  1. Sounds like a great combination of flavors Shane.

  2. Is there a recipe? Please please please. Love macarons and these could be a signature recipe here in California Central Valley.

  3. Thanks Patti. They were pretty tasty, though I think the Maple-Walnut ones are my favorite so far. Though I am considering chestnut filled with chestnut puree.

    RanchMama - I used the same recipe that I did for the Maple-Nut Macaron I just substituted Pistachio flour for the ground walnuts. I will re-post the recipe, though I didn't take any step by step photos like I did for the Walnut ones. I did document the Orange Blossom Butter-Creme though, so I will include that. :)
