Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tortured Tubers - Whipped Potatoes

I don't often make "whipped" potatoes.  I am really more of a mashed potato kind of guy.  Seriously, lumpy with bits of potato skin = Awesome!  On occasion, however, I find that smooth, creamy, loaded with heavy cream and butter, whipped potatoes are just what the doctor ordered. 

The only issue with making whipped potatoes is the amount of equipment necessary to execute them properly.  With mashed potatoes, you simply boil or steam the potatoes, then get all medieval on them with a potato masher, add some butter, mash that in as well and your good to go.  With whipped potatoes, however, lumps are to be avoided like crushed velvet stretch pants.  (Faux pas!)

To avoid said lumps one really needs to employ a potato ricer as well as an electric mixer.  Sure, you can whip potatoes by hand, but the electric mixer is much faster and ensures that the potatoes are still piping hot when they reach the table.  Just be sure to leave the mixer on low speed or you may over-whip them, and they will turn to "glue".

Your choice of potato can assist you in avoiding gluey potatoes.  My personal favorite potato for whipping is a "new potato" or the Yukon gold.  The skins are extremely thin, so they are quick and easy to peel after boiling.  Thus ensuring you have HOT potatoes when you begin ricing and whipping.  For the heat of the potatoes and the cream is very important.  The heat allows the starch granules to absorb more liquid...

Whipped Potatoes

3 lbs White Potatoes
1 cup Heavy Cream
1/2 cup Whole Milk
3 cloves Garlic
2 sprigs of Thyme
6 TB Unsalted Butter
Kosher Salt
Black Pepper

To being, place the potatoes in a large pot, and cover with water.

Place over High heat and bring to a boil.

Reduce the heat and allow the potatoes to simmer for 20 minutes, or until they can easily be pierced with a fork.

Meanwhile combine Heavy Cream and Whole Milk in a small saucepan with Garlic and Thyme.

Place over medium flame and bring to a simmer, then remove from the heat, cover, and let the Garlic and Thyme steep for 10 minutes.

Once the potatoes are ready, drain them into a colander.

Place your ricer over the now empty pot.

Begin peeling the potatoes..... (sometimes you can even rub the skins off with your fingers)

Place them in the river and press to break up the tubers.

Once you have riced all the potatoes,

add the butter and allow it to melt.

Turn your electric mixer to low and mix just long enough to incorporate the butter and lubricate the starches.

Remove the Thyme and Garlic from the cream and begin adding the hot cream, in a thin stream while whipping.......

Once all the cream has been absorbed, you're all done!

Season with Kosher Salt and Black Pepper.
Move to a serving bowl and top with additional butter.


P.S. Normally I would only make about 1/2 this much, but I have additional plans for these whipped potatoes.


  1. I've never boiled whole potatoes before peeling - I knew you could do this to help lock-in more for the nutrients and keep them from boiling away during the cooking process, but in the past I've always peeled the potatoes before boiling if I bothered to peel. Thanks for showing this. And I also never knew that heat played a role in the absorption of liquid, but it makes sense and I'll definitely keep that in mind next time I make mashed (or whipped) potatoes...

  2. My hubby kept saying he needed a ricer to make mashed potatoes. After hearing him fuss for 2 years I finally ordered one on Amazon. I was so excited to present it to him, he took one look and said "What the heck is that?" Turns out the ricer was not what he had been talking about, he wanted a masher, which I have had since before we got married almost 40 years ago. The ricer has never been taken out of the package, guess I will get it out and try this. I adore mashed potatoes with absolutely NO lumps. Thanks for reminding me of the ricer way down and out of the way in a cupboard.

  3. Boiling the potatoes with the skins on when making mashed potatoes adds so much more flavor. Potato salad is better this way too. Thanks for showing the world the correct way to make mashed potatoes! I'm curious about your plans for the leftovers.
