Friday, December 14, 2012

Wynken, Blynken and Nog - Cooked Honey Eggnog

I absolutely LOVE eggnog.  If there is anything at all that screams Christmas Cheer to me, it's Eggnog.  This was not always the case, but that was because I no idea that it was a spirit laced beverage until I was about 30.  (no laughing, please) ;)

When I was growing up, we always mixed the eggnog half and half with milk.  Granted, my parents were not exactly in the habit of slipping their children a short snort of bourbon, but that was the way they drank it as well.  My grandfather use to work for the Mayflower dairy, and that was the way my mom was raised as well.  So I never questioned this virgin version of the drink.

Well, lemme tell ya.  I much prefer the "Christmas Cheer" version these days.

One thing that has always bothered me about Eggnog is that the mega mart versions are full of all sorts of weird ingredients.  When I was a kid, there was a drive-thru local dairy called "Senn's".  Now being on a goat dairy you may be wondering WHY we would go to a cow dairy to purchase milk.  Well, back then (I was in 4th grade) we use to "dry up" the goats during the winter.  So we had to purchase cow milk during the winter months until the next kidding in the spring.  Once the kids were born, it was a mere 2 weeks before the milk was consumable again and we drank goat milk from March to November, at which point we would begin purchasing 3.8% or 4.6% milk from the dairy (Whole goat milk is higher in cream, so 2% cow milk tasted like water after drinking such rich milk all spring, summer and fall).  We were always excited to go through the drive-thru to get our Milk, Eggnog (in glass jars) and Ice Milk (I miss Ice Milk).  By the time I was an adult, the Senn's dairy drive-thru had closed... I think that it is a Goodyear Tire center now.  Thus, I was regulated to purchasing Eggnog in the store, and it was so weird tasting, I simply quit buying it.

Then I moved to San Diego where Alta Dena Dairy products fill the shelves.  One year, I noticed that they had an Eggnog made with Honey instead of High Fructose Corn Syrup or Sugar.  I tried it, I LOVED it, and I started purchasing my Eggnog again... This was still before I knew about the Bourbon.  Sadly, after about 2005, I was no longer able to find the Honey sweetened version in the store... By this time, I had discovered the "bourbon fortified" version of Eggnog.  I was totally hooked on it, so I had to start making it myself.

So what exactly IS Eggnog, when it doesn't come out of a store carton?  Personally, I believe that it started with the Dutch.  Call it a hunch, for I have no proof to back this up, but one of the more popular Dutch liqueurs is called Advocaat.  A delightful custard-like concoction of egg, cream, sugar and brandy, which is used to make Snowballs (Advocaat and lemonade).  That is all Eggnog is, though I usually make my Nog with Bourbon instead of Brandy.   It's nothing more than a thin custard that has been liberally laced with spices of Cinnamon and Clove, but mostly Nutmeg.  Unlike a custard though, the egg whites are beaten to stiff peaks and then folded into the mixture or used to decorate the top of the glass. 

Most Eggnog recipes are raw.  While *I* personally have no fear of egg born salmonella, since I know that the eggs that I buy come from the west coast (in fact they come from about 20 miles from here), I do not feel that have the right to foist my "devil may care" attitude upon any of my guests that may be partaking of said Holiday Cheer.  Thus, I cook my eggnog, or rather, I cook the custard part.  The only problem with this, is that the whites are still raw.  Since the meringue-ish topping is one of the best parts of a glass of Nog I save the raw egg whites for making divinity and opt for Pasteurized Egg Whites in the carton when I go to mix a drinks. (though I forgo this part when serving the virgin version to kids)

So there you have it, a honey based Eggnog that is safe for children and the elderly to drink.

Let's make some Cheer! 

Cooked Honey Eggnog

6 large Egg Yolk, save the egg whites for Angel Food Cake or Divinity
1/2 cup light Honey, such as Orange Blossom or Clover
1 TB Vanilla extract
Pinch of Kosher Salt
1/2 a Nutmeg, broken (plus more as a garnish)
1 Cinnamon Stick, broken
4 Clove buds
2 cups Whole Milk
a tiny pinch of Baking Soda
1 cup Heavy Cream

For serving "Virgin":
Eggnog base
Freshly grated Nutmeg

Or not:
4 oz Eggnog base
1 oz Bourbon per person when serving (I like mine a little stronger, so I use 1 1/2 oz per person)
Freshly grated Nutmeg
2 TB Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites (or other Pasteurized egg whites in a carton) per serving
1 tsp Honey
More Nutmeg  :)

OK, Ready, Set.... Go!

The Egg Yolks, Honey, Vanilla and Salt need to be whisked very well in a stainless steel or glass bowl until they are thick, pale and slightly fluffy looking.

Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, bring Milk, Nutmeg, Cinnamon and Clove to a simmer.

Add just a pinch of Baking Soda to the Milk...   (Honey is slightly acidic, when compared to sugar, so you need just a pinch to take the edge off the honey)

When the Yolks are super pale and fluffy, slowly add the simmering milk, 1/4 cup at a time, to the yolks, whisking constantly to temper them.

Once you have added about 1 cup of the Milk, you can add the tempered yolks to the remaining Milk in the sauce pan.

Continue cooking this custard mixture until it reaches 180F (82C) degrees.

Remove from the heat and strain (to remove the cinnamon stick, cloves and any errant egg yolk bits) through a fine mesh strainer.

Slowly stir in the heavy cream to help cool it down.

Pour into a glass container or two, depending on your bottle sizes.

Refrigerate until cold. Eggnog is suppose to be a cold drink.... Unlike a Tom and Jerry (But that is a post for around New Year)

Now, you have 2 options.  The virgin version, or the less than virgin version.  ;)
I really don't think I need to give directions for a virgin Eggnog, so let's move on to the version filled with Christmas Cheer.

This is by the glass.  If you decide to make a punch bowlful of Eggnog, simply calculate that your starting batter will make about 9 servings in total (depending the size of your punch cups).  So pour the cooked base from above, into a punch bowl, add 9-12 oz of Bourbon and stir... Add fresh grated Nutmeg and stir again.  Whip 18 TB of Pasteruized Egg Whites with 9 tsp of Honey until they form stiff peaks.  Fold the beaten egg whites and Eggnog together in a punch bowl.  Cover and chill for 1 hour in the refrigerator before serving.

OK, moving on to Holiday Cheer for 1.  :)

Place 1 oz of good Bourbon in a glass.

Add the Eggnog base and stir quickly with a fork.

Sprinkle with freshly grated nutmeg and stir again.

In a small bowl, combine pasteurized Egg White and Honey.

Whisk briskly until stiff peaks form. (since the honey is slightly acidic, it will stabilize your egg whites and form a nice fluffy Meringue)

Spoon the Honeyed Meringue into the glass.

You may stir again at this point, or not (it depends on how "airy" you want your drink)
Sprinkle with more freshly grated Nutmeg.

Now consume the Cheer.

Now if your eyes start a Wynken and a Blynken, and your head begins to Nod, then you may have had a little too much cheer.

Cin Cin!!

1 comment:

  1. My youngest son Nick loves Egg Nog, I ordered some from Trader Joe's because I didn't like the looks and sounds of what is sold at the grocery store. I will have to remember this recipe for next year and make him some homemade. When I began this post it occurred to me how odd that I never connected before that my son Nicholas was to be a Christmas baby, ha ha. Maybe that is why he waited an extra two weeks to be born, he didn't appreciate the timing. Hope you have a very nice holiday filled with family, friends and love.
