Friday, August 30, 2013

Consumed with Corningware

In case you have not noticed, I have been a little MIA as of late.   There has been cooking and baking going on, but there has also been an extreme lack of time for writing and picture modifying and such. 

What it really boils down to, is that I have finally found the limit as to what I am capable of pumping out blog-wise.  Having 2 blogs makes things a little rough, for when one is being nourished with tasty recipes, the other one is starving.   At this point, it has been Culinary Alchemy that is suffering in lieu of Corningware411 posts on patterns, pieces and food. 

Not to mention my first ever Vintage Corningware Giveaway (that was a fun experience).

So if you are not following Culinary Alchemist on Facebook, to which all Corningware411 posts are also funneled, here are some of the things I have been Cookin' Up, Old School.

As you can see, there has been definite cooking happening, just not enough time to post on both sites. 

Because Corningware411 is still a fledgling blog and over 50% of the posts are regarding patterns produced by Corning Consumer Products Division over the years, I feel that it needs to be fed more diligently at the moment than Culinary Alchemy, which encompasses a substantial body of work already. 

Because of this, I am going to put Culinary Alchemy on hiatus for the next couple of months... I will be back in full swing by November, when the Holidays begin.  This is not to say that I will not be posting at all over the next couple of months, but they will be infrequent at best.  I will be occasionally posting links to Corningware411 recipes, but be forewarned, they will be extremely Vintage Corningware-centric.  LOL

I would like to thank all the readers out there for your support and interest in Culinary Alchemy.  I would also like to thank you for your patients while I try to  figure out how to divide my time more effectively between the two blogs.


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