Saturday, August 15, 2009

Of French Food, Fun, Film and Friends - Julie & Julia

Normally I do not discuss my personal life on my blog. Well that is other than to complain occasionally that I was unable to attain a certain item at the Mega Mart, or to exult in the fact that a 2 hour hunt for some other delectable morsel, was a success. Basically, everything is food related. This is no exception, even though this post does not come with any recipe or step by step photos.

On Friday, after I left my office for the last time. Yes, I am now a victim of a slow economy like so many others. I decided I needed a "pick me up". So I grabbed one of my friends and went to catch the 1:00pm showing of.... Yep, you guessed it.... Julie & Julia.

I had already read the book earlier this year with some of my BakeSpace buddies when we were trying to get a sort of online book club going. I had a really hard time putting the book down once I got started...

It just reminded me of so many, ummmmm, shall we say.... interesting things, that have happened in my kitchen over the last 12 years, while I was trying to teach myself, through much much much trial and error. As in cooking a steak that resembles an actual steak, instead of something used to re-sole shoes, or worse yet, burning down my apartment. Yes, I absolutely LOVED the book.

OK, the Movie? The movie was even better!!! I would like to go on record now as saying that Meryl Streep's performance is worthy of and Academy award. I would also like to thank her for leaving me with a new found respect for "The French Chef". She was a phenomenal woman, and I was blessed to see her portrayed by a phenomenal thespian.

I am really not writing much more, because I do not want to give anything away for those who have never read the book or have not seen the movie yet... But I figured since this was a special day, that I should at least say something. Why?

Because today, on August 15th, in the year nineteen hundred and twelve, Julia Child was born. And while, sadly, she is no longer with us, reminding us to save the liver while whipping up her famous Coq au Vin, her Magnum Opus, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking",

is and forever will be, THE book that changed American cooking (for those of us without servants in our kitchens) ... Forever.
Julia, we love you!!!


  1. I liked the Julia Childs part of the movie and agree Meryl Streep did an awesome job with the part. I just didn't seem to get into the Julie part. It left me hungering, sorry couldn't help it, for a whole movie about just JULIA CHILD!!
    Good luck on your new adventures.

  2. Big Smile...Happy Birthday Julia! I am so slow, as I have not yet seen the movie...but I'm still itchin' to see it!!!
