Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Okee Dokee Gnocchi - Basil & Parmigiano-Reggiano Gnocchi in Porcini Marsala Red Sauce

I actually made these gnocchi almost a month ago now, but I had lost the photos. Don't ask me how, but it has been a very LONG month. This, mixed with a few other personal issues occurring right now, and it's amazing I have not lost more than just some pictures. ;) But the good news is that I found them... HA HA This morning actually, when I was going through my Mac looking for a copy of my old Resume (which I also found)

I am not really sure what started this little foray into gnocchi experimentation, but it was good... The sauce turned out fairly well too... so all in all, it was pure deliciousness. I should go on record that I always make my potato gnocchi with baked potatoes, instead of steamed. Not only do they rice easier, but the gnocchi seems to be drier and require less flour, which makes for more tender gnocchi.

I promise, in the near future, when I finally run out, that I will post my slow cooked tomato sauce base, but I should warn you that it takes 12 hours total, between cooking and waiting for it to cool just enough to get it into freezer bags. It also makes A LOT, your gonna need at least a 12 quart pot if not a 16 quart.

But, without any further rambling, or any anecdotes ......

Basil-Parmigiano-Reggiano Gnocchi

1 1/2 lbs riced Russet Potatoes, (1 1/2 lbs AFTER ricing)
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups Bread Flour
4 oz Parmigiano-Reggiano; Grated
2 oz Finely chopped basil
Kosher Salt

Rice the baked potatoes into a bowl.

Add the Parmigiano-Reggiano and stir to combine.

Add Eggs and Chopped Basil, mixing well.

Work in 1 cup of the flour (I was in a hurry so I added eggs, basil and flour all at the same time.)
Season with Salt and pepper and stir into a dough.

If the dough seems a little sticky, add more flour, 1/4 cup at a time, until the dough is soft and forms a nice ball.

Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Then do the gnocchi rolling thing..... I didn't take pictures this time, but I photographed the process of dividing the dough and making snakes in my post about Buckwheat Gnocchi.

Once the gnocchi are rolled, store in the refrigerator while bringing a large pot of salted water to a boil, and preparing the sauce.

Porcini Marsala Red Sauce -
3 oz Pancetta
1/4 cup Dry Marsala
2 cups Homemade Tomato Sauce (You can use your favorite jarred sauce if you like)
1 TB Porcini Powder
1/2 tsp Chili Flake
Kosher Salt and Pepper

In a large skillet (this will foster evaporation later) Saute the pancetta until crispy.

Deglaze with the Dry Marsala

Stir in Porcini Powder and Chili flake.

Reduce the heat and add the Tomato sauce base, stirring to combine, and bring to a simmer.

Simmer the sauce until it begins to thicken (about 15-20 minutes).
Season with Kosher Salt and Pepper

Basil Chiffonade

The salted water should have come to a boil while the sauce is simmering, about 5 minutes before the sauce is done, begin dropping gnocchi into the boiling water (it only takes about 1 minute 30 seconds for them to cook.)
Remove from water as they begin to float.
Place in a large bowl suitable for tossing.
Once all the gnocchi are cooked, add about 1/2 the sauce and toss.
Divide gnocchi among 4 -6 bowls and spoon more sauce over the top.
Sprinkle with a little more Parmegiano-Reggiano and Basil Chiffonade.



  1. they look incredible. I like that you added the extra little goodies to them too.

  2. This looks fantastic! So tell me about this porcini powder. Does it add a lot of flavor to the sauce? I love mushrooms!

  3. Mmmmm, 12 hours of cooking sauce. Sounds like heaven. Heh. Those gnocchi look amazing, I haven't had gnocchi in forever.

  4. Danielle - Thank you :)

    Michele - Thanks, Porcini Powder is Awesome! I buy the little bags of dried mushrooms and grind it up at home to make my powder. It adds a ton of extra flavor, without the texture (some people don't like the texture of mushrooms) Also help to lift the flavor of white mushrooms REALLY well. And as if all that wasn't great enough, it also helps to thicken a sauce, since the powder absorbs water. REALLY good stuff.

    Bob - I swear, after I get moved back to Portland, I will whip up a big batch. :)
