Monday, October 26, 2009

Beefing Up Your Appetite - Bresaola

I am not usually big on Beef. Lucky for me, Italian cuisine tends to focus on Pork, which makes me a very happy camper. And while I am thoroughly convinced that man can live by Pancetta and Prosciutto alone, every once in awhile I DO like to mix it up a little. Thus was the case when I was able to get my hands on some delicious Bresaola.

Bresaola hails from the Italian alpine valley of Valtellina in the Lombary region of northern Italy. It is made in a similar process as Prosciutto di Parma in Emilia-Romagna, being a salted and air dried Beef though, instead of pork.

Normally it is served similarly to the dish carpaccio; with Arugula, olive oil, lemon juice and shaved Parmegiano-Reggiano. I decided to twist it up a bit. Using Gruyere and rolling the bresaola to be used as an appetizer.

Bresaola Appetizer

Zest of 1/2 Lemon
2 TB lemon juice
1 TB olive oil
12 slices Bresaola
36 Arugula leaves, washed
Black pepper, to taste
1/4 cup shaved Gruyere (or Parmegiano-Reggiano)

Combine Lemon zest, Lemon juice and Olive oil in a small bowl and whisk until emulsified.

Lay out your Bresaola.

Top each slice with 3 Arugula leaves, drizzle with the dressing and sprinkle with pepper.

Crumble the shaved Gruyere over the top and roll the Bresaola up.

Place on a serving plate, seem side down and repeat until all the Bresaola is used.
Drizzle the plate with any remaining dressing and serve.



  1. this sounds so good! would make such a cute appetizer too!

  2. I've never heard of bresaola. But I want it. I love beef and prosciutto, I can only imagine I would love that!

  3. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  4. I am wondering if this is the same as the dried beef our local butchers make. It looks the same. Never thought to use it like prosciutto.

  5. mmm...looks wonderful! I've never heard of bresaola but it looks really good. I'll have to check the italian deli and see if its there.

  6. These sounds to be great appetizers! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Looks great dude! that cured primal

  8. I looooove bresaola. With lemon and Parmigiano, and arugula, so simple and so tasty. Great idea rolling up the slices.
