Sunday, October 25, 2009

Put The Lime In The Chicken and Roast It All Up - Cilantro-Lime Flower Pot Chicken

This is a quick post.
Quick, because I have already covered the wonders of Terra Cotta Roasters before. It's simply a variation on a theme. I was at the Farmers Market in Gresham this weekend and found some fresh Cilantro and a couple of Limes, thus was born...

Cilantro/Lime FlowerPot Chicken

As before, you need a 4 lb chicken
Rub the roaster down with oil and set the chicken in.
Stab 2 Limes, multiple times with a fork, and shove them up the chicken's bu.. er, um.. backside...
Poke Cilantro leaves under the skin, then rub it down with olive oil and sprinkle with Salt & Pepper.

Cover and place in a cold oven, then crank it to 475 degrees for 1 hour.
Remove the cover and bake for 10-15 minutes more to brown the skin.

It was awesomely juicy and delicious!!!



  1. you come up with some of the cutest blog titles! YUM!! love cilantro!!

  2. Nice. I love roasted chicken. That looks awesome, the skin is perfect.

  3. Yum!! I wouldn't have considered those flavors for a roast chicken... but LOVE them!

  4. Once upon a time, I thought I was a good cook, then I joined BakeSpace. I would never have thought of using the cilantro under the skin. I love citrus with chicken and love cilantro so I bet this is fabulous! You come up with so many great recipes!
