Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bison Roast with the Most - Backwards Bison "Saltimbocca" (Kind of)

It has been awhile since I have been fortunate enough to come into contact with a truly delicious cut of meat.  Enter the Bison Roast that I found at the Fred Meyer in Wood Village.  AWESOME!  Usually I am stuck with ground bison.  Not that I am complaining, because it is delicious as well, but it kind of leaves you limited on preparation.  I mean there is only so much you can do with ground meat. The funniest part about the whole thing was that the Bison roast was cheaper per pound than the Beef was.  Oh yeah!! 

This roast was the perfect size, only about 1 1/2 lbs.  The only issue with Bison is that it is extremely lean.  Lean meat tends to be a little on the tough side unless you cook it to death in liquid. I really wasn't in the mood for a Bison Pot roast. Thus it was going to need some extra fat to keep it moist and tender.  That was when I decided on covering the whole thing in Prosciutto.  Of course, Prosciutto goes awesome with Sage.

This led me to the whole idea of Saltimbocca in reverse.  (Meat wrapped in Sage and Prosciutto instead of Sage and Prosciutto rolled up in meat)  Since I have already made Saltimbocca with Bison before, I knew the flavors would play well together.  Now, I just need to find another roast, cause I NEED to make this again!

Backwards Bison "Saltimbocca"

1 Bison Roast (I had a Bison Sirloin Roast of about 1.6 lb)
Olive Oil
Sage Leaves
Several sliced of Prosciutto
Cracked Black Pepper

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees, then grab the Bison roast (ain't it pretty?)

Cut off any twine.

On a washable cutting board, lay out 3-4 sliced of Prosciutto, overlapping slightly, then top that with a few Sage Leaves.

Place the Bison Roast on the Prosciutto "mat" and lay sage leaves over the whole roast and season with Pepper. (The prosciutto is plenty "salty" so no extra salt is needed)

Begin wrapping the mat up the sides of the roast.

Lay more prosciutto slices over the top and (since it's a little sticky) press the seams together to completely encase the meat.

Secure the whole thing (to be on the safe side) with new twine.

Place in a roasting pan, drizzle with Olive Oil (just "Light" or "Pure", not Extra Virgin or it will smoke too much) and cover with foil.

Roast for 20 minutes.

Remove the foil, reduce the temperature to 275 degrees and insert a probe; continue toasting until the internal temperature reaches 150 degrees (medium-rare-ish)

Remove the roast from the oven, re-cover with the foil and let rest on the counter for 10-15 minutes at which point the roast should be between 155 and 160 (medium)
Remove the foil and slice.......

Enjoy the taste of America!!!


1 comment:

  1. I have had bison steaks before and enjoyed them very much, never had a roast though. There are a few places in PA that have bison for sale believe it or not. The steaks I had were when we were in Germany and I thought maybe bison was what they called beef, silly me. Oh well it got me to try something I may never had tried otherwise.
