Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blimey! It's Limey - Key Lime Gelato

Well, it has happened.  Puppy is now 12 weeks old, or about 3 months. I was reading the "New" aging article.  You know how they use to say that every year your dog aged it was the equivalent of 7 human years.  Well they have decided that those ratios are incorrect.  The new figures state that when I brought him home at 2 months, he was about 14 months old in human years.  By the time he is 6 months old he will be the equivalent of a 5 year old.  Thus I have computed that since he is 3 months old he is somewhere around the terrible 2's.  Oye. 

Needless to say I have even less time in the kitchen.  Oh, he is very good and sits by the back door, for about 5 minutes.  Once he becomes bored with that he wants to go "outside" every 5 minutes or starts tormenting the cats. (Don't get me started on the "barking" as soon as I get on the phone.)  LOL

So when I was in the mood for ice cream, I had to think fast.  I had seen a quick ice cream on TV, but I could not remember who actually did it.  All I could remember was that their was about 1/2 cup of juice, 1 cup of Confecctioners' Sugar and 2 cups of heavy whipping cream.  That was good enough for me.

The interesting part of this method is that you whip the whole thing together, to incorporate air, then toss it in the freezer.  The idea is the same as making traditional ice cream with a dasher, which incorporates the air, and ice, just a little less hands on.  Perfect when you are in a hurry.

So, if you are ready to embark upon a no fuss no muss path to Iced "whipped" Cream deliciousness, this one is a winner.  Granted, the texture is a little more like an Ice Milk, but I like a slightly "icy" texture to my ice cream.   I find it more refreshing., especially since I am making Key Lime.  YUM. 

My only regret is that I did not save out a slice of lime for a garnish... oops.  It simply takes too many key limes to get 1/2 cup of juice.  Alas, there were none left.

Key Lime Iced Whipped Cream

1/2 cup (4 oz) Key Lime Juice (about 12 limes)
Zest of 3 Key Limes
1 cup Confectioners' Sugar
2 cups Heavy Cream

Simply combine the Key Lime juice and zest in a bowl.

Add Confectioners' Sugar....

Whisk until the Sugar dissolves completely.

Add the Heavy Cream.

Begin whisking until the Heavy Cream becomes sort of thick and flowing, not completely stiff.  I like to call it "Zshuzshy", though I have no idea how to spell that.  ;)

Pour into a container, cover and freeze for at least 8 hours.

Place a few ginger snaps in a zip lock bag and get all medieval on them with a rolling pin. (turn them into powder)

Place the resulting pulverized cookie powder in a shallow dish and grab a champagne coup.

Rub the rim of the coup with some lime or lemon juice and dip it into the cookie dust.

Scoop some of the delicious iced Whipped Cream into the glass, and sprinkle with the ginger snap powder.  Delish!



  1. That looks really good, any reason you didn't mix with a mixer?

  2. Thanks Patti :) There wasn't really a reason for whisking it by hand. It's a personal affectation. I thought that if I did it by hand, I would have a little more control over the texture of the Whipped Cream, since I didn't really want it stiff, just thickened and still kind of flowing. (like I do for cocktails sometimes)

  3. Thank you for, some reason that is why I thought you did it, I have had the cream turn to butter one time when I was not watching carefully enough.
