Tuesday, July 9, 2013

First Apples of the Season - Yellow Transparent Crumble

Sorry I have been absent for so long...   Corningware411 has been keeping me uber busy and there have been some "challenges" going on since returning from the Snake River.

But that is not what this post is about... This post is more exciting than that; for it has finally happened!  The very first apples from my parent's trees have arrived.  The time is NOW for the Yellow Transparent.  A very small apple with very BIG flavor...

The only problem with them is that they cook down into applesauce very easily, so though they are one of the most flavorful of tart apples, they don't hold up well in pie. (that title really belongs to the Newtown)  But if you don't mind slightly saucier apples, they work great for things like Buckle, Crisp, Crumble, Grunt, Slump, Pan Dowdy and Brown Betty.  Oh yes...  and that is exactly what I am gonna do....  Wait!  I am not making all of them, just the Crumble.

I think of all of the above, the Crumble is my favorite.  The oatmeal in the topping makes me feel like it's somewhat healthy.  True, it's a stretch, but that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

If you are using Yellow Transparent apples for this, you will need 2 extra cups, simply because they cook down so much.  With most other apples, except maybe Gravenstein (which it's still a little early for), you will only need 4 cups.

Yellow Transparent Apple Crumble

1/3 cup AP Flour
1 cup Rolled Oats
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Salt
4 TB Unsalted Butter
6 cups Yellow Transparent Apples, diced (or 4 cups of Newtown/Winesap/Stayman/Suncrisp)
1 TB Lemon Juice

Preheat the oven to 375F degrees and butter an 8 or 9 inch round baking dish.

Combine Flour, Oats, Brown Sugar, Cinnamon and Salt in a small bowl, tossing to combine.

Add the Butter....

and work it into the mixture with your fingers until crumbly.

Peel, slice and dice the apples, then toss with lemon juice to prevent browning.... (some apples brown significantly faster than others, as is apparent with the Yellow Transparents).

Pour apples into the dish.

Sprinkle the crumble topping all over.

Bake for 30 minutes.

Cool to room temperature before serving. (I actually like it warm, over Ice Cream.  Alas, I was out.... Poor planning on my part)

Be that as it may, the tart apples are an excellent foil for the sweet crunchy bits on top.
It may not be very pretty, but it sure is tasty!  Even without the Ice Cream.



  1. I love tart apples and couldn't remember if the transparents were tart or not. I will have to go to the orchards and get some. I am so hungry for an apple NOT from the grocery store. Your crumble recipe looks exactly like the way I make mine, although sometimes I add pecans to the topping.

  2. MMMMMM That would have been delicious! 1/2 cup of chopped Pecans & 1/2 cup Oatmeal... I need to remember that for the next time. Cause the Gravenstein and McIntosh are the next apples that will be available. Woo Hoo!!!
