Monday, July 15, 2013

Off My Rocker for Betty Crocker - Bonnie Butter Cake

Even though I am not really a "cake person", every once in awhile, I get the hankerin' for a piece.   Now this is not without an ulterior motive...  Because my cake craving is not so much the actual "cake" itself, but rather the topping that accompanies said cake.

Whether it's an Italian or Swiss Buttercream, Ermine (boiled milk) frosting, Cream Cheese frosting, 7 minute fluff, or adecadent Chocolate Ganache...   This is the real reason for the cake craving.  For cake is simply a vehicle for getting the good stuff into your mouth.  I'm just sayin' 

That being said, I have some Rhubarb sauce that I made with the last of my rhubarb.  True, you can buy "hot house" rhubarb throughout the year in most places, but hot house rhubarb never has the punchy tartness that it does when it is harvested in it's natural Spring season.  It's always kind of dull and flat...  Blah tasting, if you will. SO, after several rhubarb pies this year, I decided to make the rest into a sauce, to be stored in the freezer until such time as it was necessary to apply it heavily to my waffles and pancakes; or, in this case...  Cake.

Yes, I think Rhubarb sauce is delicious on cake, but I couldn't decide what kind of cake to make.  Pound cake is nice as is Angel Food, but both are fairly involved with the separating of eggs and beating things, then folding thing and yadda yadda yadda.  Angel Food, in particular, leaves me with a lot of yolks to have to make something with after the fact, and I am not in the mood for Creme Brulee since I just made Baked Custard less than a week ago.  I wanted something quick and simple, yet delicious.

The answer came from a source that I don't consult very often...  Betty Crocker.

No, I did not use a cake mix.  I used the Betty Crocker Cookbook.  Yep, I got one, though it always seems to sit forgotten on the shelf while I consult every other cookbook I own.   In fact, it was my brother that reminded me I had one when he made his infamous Gingerbread waffles.  When I asked him where he got the recipe, he told me it was in the Betty Crocker Cookbook.  I was dumbfounded, to say the least, yet ecstatic because I knew I had one.  Thus, it now has a sticky not sticking out of the top so I can find the recipe quickly.

The cake I chose was one that was fairly quick to make and simple in preparation, yet OH SO delicious that you would think it was a much more complex preparation.

Bonnie Butter Cake.

The only warning I can give you on this one, is that you need to follow the times for beating.  Whether hand mixer or stand mixer... The times are extremely important for a fine texture and maximum height.

Originally, this cake is written for 2 9-inch or 3 8-inch layers and then slathered in Fudge Frosting.  Honestly, I like it as a sheet cake or a loaf.  It makes it easier to serve with things like fruit sauces and reduces the amount of dirty dishes.  Like I said, I was going for simple.

Bonnie Butter Cake

2/3 cup (150g) unsalted Butter, room temperature
1 3/4 cup (350g) Granulated Sugar
2 large Eggs (That's 100g of Egg)
1 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 3/4 cups (345g) AP Flour
2 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Salt
1 1/4 cups (296ml) Whole Milk

Preheat the oven to 350F degrees, then Butter and Flour a 13x9 inch baking dish. (I used my Vintage Corningware French White lasagna pan - which is pyroceram, not stoneware)

In a small bowl, combine Flour, Baking Powder and Salt; whisking to aerate and combine.

In the bowl of a stand mixer combine room temperature Butter and Sugar, beat on medium speed until fluffy - 3 minutes.

Add Eggs and Vanilla and beat on high speed for 5 minutes.

Turn the mixer down to low speed and add the Flour mixture and Milk, alternating between the two, beginning and ending with the Milk.

Continue beating on medium speed for 1 minute longer.

Pour into the prepared baking dish.

Supposedly it should bake for 45-50 minutes in a 13x9 inch pan, but mine was done in 38 minutes (I checked with a toothpick) which may have to do with the pyroceram dish, as it conducts heat better than Pyrex glass would.

Allow the cake to cool for 10 minutes in the pan, before turning out onto a rack.

Me?  I just leave it in the pan and cut big hunks out to be slathered with Rhubarb Sauce and Clove Whip Cream.

This is an extremely buttery and moist cake with a fine crumb.  The perfect vehicle for any topping you wish to consume.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting! Bonnie Butter cake. The best. I grew up eating it on my best friends’ birthday every year because she is allergic to chocolate. Her mom made it with penuche frosting (the Betty Crocker recipe) and we’ve both been making that cake for our family and friends ever since. We’re both sixty-five years old.
