This really isn't anything new coming from me. I already talked about the whole "how to make an Omelet" thing back in my
Caprese Omelet post. But the omelet is of such divine construction, that it bears repeating. So, my breakfast... a simple Omelette au Fromage or rather, since I am using Parmegiano-Reggiano and Grana Padano, I guess it would be an Omelet di Formaggio. Then again, I am adding sliced leeks, chili flake and parsley so I guess even that doesn't truly convey the the filling contents...
I do have to say that this is the one time that I will ever recommend a non-stick pan. I have a cheap one that cost me $5.00 that I use JUST for making omelets. I am uncomfortable with Teflon for any other purpose. Not only because of potential gasses released when it is overheated, but I am a rather 'fond' of deglazing... Har dee Har har ;)
Cooking Humor!!! I know, I know, I have no plans on quiting my day job any time soon. But the theory is this -- If nothing sticks, then there is no fond, if there is no fond, then deglazing becomes a mere shadow of what it could be... Give me a little stick-age, cause a little stick-age means lots of potential flavor. :)
Anyway, back to the omelet....
Omelet di Formaggio (and xtra stuff)

3 eggs
Shredded Parmigiano-Reggiano
Shredded Grana Padano
Red Pepper Flake
Cracked Pepper
Sliced leeks
Chopped Parsley
a Non-Stick Skillet
A little bit of butter to lubricate the pan and add a little flavor

Crack the eggs into a small glass pitcher or bowl (
something easy to pour from)

Place a non-stick 10-12 inch skillet over medium-low heat and rub it very lightly with butter.

Beat the eggs vigorously with a fork until homogeneous.

When the butter foams, pour the beaten eggs into the pan.

Begin stirring, just keep the eggs moving for about 30 seconds.

I use this handy dandy bamboo spoon that came with the rice cooker, that I never use)

Clean the edge of the omelet by pushing the edges back towards the pan. (
my edges were a little raged this time)

Apply a sprinkle of each of the cheeses,

Sprinkle with a little cracked black pepper, some chili flake, a few sliced leeks, and a little chopped parsley.

Hold the handle and flip the forward edge over.
or use the spoon to make the first fold.. (
I noticed the brown when I flipped, sure sign that my heat was just a little bit too high, an omelet should be golden yellow, never browned -
this means the it will be slightly tough)

Remove pan from the flame and slide the omelet onto a plate, catching the unfolded side with the edge of the pan and folding it over, like a business letter.

Sprinkle with a little more cheese and parsley.... and serve Warm..
Man, I could go for an omelet right about now. Looks great!
That looks delicious!
Just one thing, though, about your title. "Omelette Du Fromage" is literally translated into "omelet of cheese" - the French translation for "Omelet di Formaggio" would be "Omelette Au Fromage" (literally "omelet with cheese")
But you knew I'd have to pick on that one, didn't you? ;)
You will never guess what I made Madison for breakfast on Sunday. I used a sharp cheddar though and she didn't eat much of it, being a child she probably would have enjoyed the dreaded American cheese, yuck.
that looks perfect. must be the pan. guess someday I'll have to break down and get one. just a small one that one omelet would fit into. (oh man, my stomach is growling)
Bob - Thank you.
Aline - HA HA I'm sorry, My French is REALLY bad.. I didn't even realize I had spelled 'omelet' wrong. I will correct the title... I don't want to perpetuate any bad habits or be responsible for destroying the French Language LOL... ;)
Patti - That is my other fav cheese, good ole cheddar in an omelet :)
Danielle - It doesn't have to be an expensive one, mine is 3 years old and cost 5 bucks. All I ever use it for (for the most part) is omelets...
Shane - Thanks for recommending a Teflon while making your omelettes. As a representative of DuPont, it's always nice to see people recommending our products.
If you are uncomfortable with Teflon for any other purpose, I would like to share this consumer reports article with you. Regulatory agencies, consumer groups and health associations all have taken a close look at Teflon. This article highlights what they found -- the bottom line is that you can use Teflon without worry.
I'd be glad to share other information if you're interested. Drop me a line, if so. Thanks, Ross
Yum, I luv a good omelet...and this looks like a good omelet! :D
I love a good omelet and that looks GREAT!
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